No more digging through patches in a text editor trying to hunt down problems or figuring out patches by people who dislike using [trigger]. Make a selection and control click the bang, the selected objects with their object numbers and their connection will be printed to the log window. Also quite helpful for dynamic patching. Requires iemguts and pd 52. It saves a tempfile each time you use it but it almost immediately deletes it, so if you ever see a file called something like look-1003.tmp you can safely delete it but you should never seen them, very unlikely it would ever fail before deleting the tempfile.
look - prints code of selection to log window
It sounds a bit similar to the triggerize plugin by IOhannes, part of the "punish" library (I know, not a very elegant name...).
@alexandros It is almost like you meant to reply to the thread for the last abstraction I uploaded? That one does have some overlap with triggerize but also works with [pack] and [unpack], It turns out all of the features of triggerize got added into pd quite awhile ago but they forgot to put it in the change log and it only got mentioned in an unrelated thread on the mailing list. [look] does this
Well, my post was based on your mention of "people who dislike [trigger]", that's why I mentioned triggerize. Your abstraction looks nice, and provides a lot of useful information, I don't negate that. Anyway, thanks for sharing.