Update; [pp] now handles float arguments correctly, [pp f 45 f] will come out as [pack f 45 f] as it should instead of [pack f float f] as it was. Also added a note regarding $n arguments to the [pp] helpfile, all $s must be escaped or they will be expanded, no way around this one that I can see, must be lived with.All three now assume any incorrect type is an insert, [tt b Z f] will expand as [t b Z f] with what was connected to f staying connected to f and Z being an empty outlet. This might change to just ignoring all incorrect types so the previous example would expand to [t b f], nothing changed.
No more swapping wires or disconnecting and reconnecting things when you need to get another bang at the start of your trigger.
Some dynamic patching fun, just rename to the object as required, adjust your arguments to suit and it patches in the new trigger/pack/unpack automatically. This should save some time and headaches. Requires iemguts to use but since it replaces itself with a vanilla object your patches will still be vanilla if the target platform needs vanilla. You can confuse them and get some unexpected (actually logical) results, but easy enough to work around and certainly quicker and easier than the old way.