For a topic on matrix mixers by @lacuna I created a patch with audio paths that included a s~/r~ hop as well as a throw~/catch~ hop, fully expecting each hop to contribute a 1 block delay. To my surprise, there was no delay. It reminded me of another topic where had investigated how object creation order affects the tilde object sort order, which in turn determines whether there is a 1 block delay or not. Object creation order even appears to affect the minimum delay you can get with a delay line. So I decided to do a deep dive into a small example to try to understand it.
Here's my test patch: s~r~NoLatency.pd
The s~/r~ hop produces either a 64 sample delay, or none at all, depending on the order that the objects are created. Here's an example that combines both: s~r~DifferingLatencies.pd
That's pretty kooky! On the one hand, it's probably good practice to avoid invisible properties like object creation order to get a particular delay, just as one should avoid using control connection creation order to get a particular execution order and use triggers instead. On the other hand, if you're not considering object creation order, you can't know what delay you will get without measuring it because there's no explicit sort order control. Well...technically there is one and it's described in G05.execution.order, but it defeats the purpose of having a non-local signal connection because it requires a local signal connection. Freeze dried water: just add water.
To reduce the number of cases I had to test, I grouped the objects into 4 subsets and permuted their creation orders:
The order labeled in the diagram has no latency and is one that I just stumbled on, but I wanted to know what part of it is significant, so I tested all 24 permuations. (Methodology note: you can see the object creation order if you open the .pd file in a text editor. The lines that begin with "#X obj" list the objects in the order they were created.)
It appears that any time the phasor group is created before the r~, there is latency. Nothing else matters. Why would that be? To test if it's the whole audio chain feeding s~ that has to be created before, or only certain objects in that group, I took the first permutation with latency and cut/pasted [phasor~ 1] and [*~ 44100] in turn to push the object's creation order to the end. Only pushing [phasor~ 1] creation to the end made the delay go away, so maybe it's because that object is the head of the audio chain?
I also tested a few of these permutations using throw~/catch~ and got the same results. And I looked to see if connection creation order mattered but I couldn't find one that did and gave up after a while because there were too many cases to test.
So here's what I think is going on. Both [r~ next] and [phasor~ 1] are the heads of their respective locally connected audio chains which join at [-~]. Pd has to decide which chain to process first, and I assume that it has to choose the [phasor~ 1] chain in order for the data buffered by [s~ next] to be immediately available to [r~ next]. But why it should choose the [phasor~ 1] chain to go first if it's head is created later seems arbitrary to me. Can anyone confirm these observations and conjectures? Is this behavior documented anywhere? Can I count on this behavior moving forward? If so, what does good coding practice look like, when we want the delay and also when we don't?