like [;pd dsp 0( or [;pd dsp 1(
Where can i find a list of messages that edits settings of Pure Data temporarily?
@4ZZ4 And you can look inside the tcl folder for scripts called "something dialog" or "dialog something".
If you search inside them for "pdsend" you will see the messages that can be sent directly to pd.
E.g in dialog_audio.tcl you will see......pdsend "pd audio-dialog \ $audio_indev1 \ $audio_indev2 \ $audio_indev3 \ $audio_indev4 \ [expr $audio_inchan1 * ( $audio_inenable1 ? 1 : -1 ) ]\ [expr $audio_inchan2 * ( $audio_inenable2 ? 1 : -1 ) ]\ [expr $audio_inchan3 * ( $audio_inenable3 ? 1 : -1 ) ]\ [expr $audio_inchan4 * ( $audio_inenable4 ? 1 : -1 ) ]\ $audio_outdev1 \ $audio_outdev2 \ $audio_outdev3 \ $audio_outdev4 \ [expr $audio_outchan1 * ( $audio_outenable1 ? 1 : -1 ) ]\ [expr $audio_outchan2 * ( $audio_outenable2 ? 1 : -1 ) ]\ [expr $audio_outchan3 * ( $audio_outenable3 ? 1 : -1 ) ]\ [expr $audio_outchan4 * ( $audio_outenable4 ? 1 : -1 ) ]\ $audio_sr \ $audio_advance \ $audio_callback \ $audio_blocksize"
Which lets you do this....... set_audio_parameters.pd The rhs for Vanilla is the [audio-dialog( part.
You have to open the dialog to get the settings in Vanilla...... but you can set them on the fly with no dialog.
@whale-av Uhhh............... mediasettings/audiosettings is not a valid object.
i don't understand how i should use the tcl files, i was looking for a way to change fontsize, and i opened up the font tcl file and searched for pdsend, it contained "fontsize" but i don't know how to use that in a message. i have tried many things, [;pd fontsize 8(, [;fontsize 8(, [fontsize 8(, [pd fontsize 8(, and even some weird ones like containing "font size" and such, but nothing worked. so i am asking for how i can read the tcl files and make it work thourgh pd patches whitout dialog.
@4ZZ4 Yes. [mediasettings/audiosettings was in extended. But the vanilla part on the right still works.
Fonts...... it depends what you want to do.
You can load different fonts with a command line switch at startup.
Some changes can be made in Newer vanilla in each window...... Menu Edit Font...... but it's a bit peculiar and particular about some changes.Guis can have their font changed in the "properties" window.
Or you can send a message into the gui directly.
Or you can change a Gui's properties by sending it a message if you have already given it a receive name and saved the patch.You cannot select font sizes that are not available in a particular font. Not all fonts offer all sizes.
I will look at font-dialog but I think nothing was provided and it was all kept internal.
Fonts are difficult..... they have to fit in the space or the space has to be adjusted. Fixed width fonts work usually with Pd...... variable width not so well.
You can get at the tcl code through the [sys_gui] (hcs library) object and then it gets complicated.