Let's share some exemples of what can be done with those objects.
I start with an easy phaser.
Expr // Expr~ // Fexpr~ gallerie
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
@oid It is sending values around 23 to 37 to the [dac~] and saturating it........ with maybe some DC offset.
put a [*~ 0.02] in between and you have a reasonable level.
David. -
Yep thank you I didn't notice, I work at low level. Correction done.
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
And a bunch of somethingizer.
Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
I wrote highpass and lowpass but it not that simple.
Low pass is not too bad.Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
some years ago i tried to create midi data from [expr] bitshift operations: https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/10797/algorithmic-compositions-from-one-line-of-code
here is another thread: https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/6277/bitwise-operators-and-syntheis -
here i tried something new with ofelia, but i think the same could be done with pd vanilla too. every bpm creates different melody: bitwise_melodygenerator.pd
And a reference in live coding (thank you Darius for this one) :
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And to finish the day, 3 fexpr~ loops.
I think they would work just fine with expr.Esta lloviendo in Berlin...
In this one, you can morph from one preset to another.
They are called keyshape, a reference to a technic used to animate the face of characteres in video game or movies.Esta lloviendo in Berlin...