I made an abstract with just a [route] in it and an inlet and outlet for its left inlet and right outlet and set gop size to 10x10. This gives me small box i can run a wire through and bend that wire out of the way or use as a remote inlet for what ever it is connected too. It seems to work well and helps make some patches easier to read, but i was wondering if there were any situations where this could cause me unforseen problems?
Using route to bend wires
@oid If no argument is specified, Pd will assume zero as default argument. This is true for most objects like [select], mathematical objects and apparently [route]. It is not the case for [list]. This is the reason that your abstraction will not let zero through.
Instead you can use [t a] meaning trigger all. You can also just use [t a] instead of the abstraction or [t b] for bangs, [t f] for floats, [t l] for lists or [t p] for pointers. Also possible are [b] and [f] for bangs and floats.
Another alternative is to use sends and receives or [value] for floats.
@ingox ahh, thanks for the clarification. I just use the abstraction to make it visually distinct and less obtrusive. I am tending to use sends and recieves to keep things clean, but they can obfuscate a patch just as easily as they can clear things up.