@toddak I use TouchOSC for Android for a monitor control system I built 6 years ago.
Originally it controlled Pd Extended using MrPeach objects.
I have nearly completed an update for Vanilla. My problems left to solve are not with the comms..... TouchOSC is working fine with Pd Vanilla, and is probably still the best app for OSC and midi control.
Pd updates the TouchOSC interface too, changing fader names and colours for example.
I can certainly help you with that.
Here are some objects I built...... MrPeach Vanilla.zip..... that can directly replace (apart from [routeOSC]...... see the note inside) some of the Extended MrPeach objects. They have the same names as the MrPeach OSC objects and the contents of the zip can be tipped into the same folder as an old Extended patch to make it work in Vanilla...... apart from [routeOSC] where you will have to add a [route] after its output.
I originally used [dumpOSC] to receive from TouchOSC (it was in the old TouchOSC help file) and so that is the object that I replaced.
Obviously it needs an argument so...... [dumpOSC 8000] I think matches TouchOSC as it is download "out of the box".......... pretty sure it sends to port 8000.
This is the setup for one of my tablets....

Host is the IP of the computer TouchOSC will be talking to (the one running Pd).
Port (outgoing) is the port for sending to Pd..... in this screenshot you would use [dumpOSC 8099] in Pd.
Port (incoming) is the port you would send to for updating TouchOSC.... so from Pd to port 9000.
Local IP Address is filled automatically (it is grabbed from what you set in the ios) .... and also ZeroConf name (I think).
The zeroconf name is the broadcast name for finding devices by name rather than IP..... like DNS on the web..... but it can be ignored and it is better to fix your IP addresses inside your private network as you will not be relying on any "lookup" service that might not be running or could have a corrupted cache..
Then just make a patch like this and you will see the messages arriving in Pd terminal....
