This spigot~ object is annoying for windows users.
I tried several times to get it, to find the dll but unsuccessfully...
Well, does anybody have a solution?
My live patch
here`s an abstraction that does the same thing as the external.
sorry, this patch is really old, and i don`t use troublesome externals like [spigot~] anymore.
just put this abstraction in the same folder as my patch, or else in your extra folder for pd. then load the patch, and it should all work ok.
not sure about the other externals in the patch though, they may or may not work on your computer.
good luck. matt
Hi hardoff,
Simply awesome! Many thanks for this abstraction I'm gonna look now, very useful.
But unfortunately, this morning as I was working on your patch, I found an other external made by Yves Degoyon : playlist and this one, i think, won't be so easy to redo...After some tests, it seems the patch is working in spite the playlist objetc isn't recongnised. I noticed as well some strange effect on soundfiles I import within the audioloops folder. Each of them is played with a different rate, sometimes very fast, sometimes very slowly...
If you have -once again - a solution, you're very welcome!
>>Each of them is played with a different rate, sometimes very fast, sometimes very slowly...<<
that's just a part of the patch. it doesn't do "intelligent" timestretching like ableton live or something. it just plays the samples faster or slower to match the tempo. yes, it sounds "strange", but that's the way i made this patch.
yop, I understand now. that's really a great job. Particulary with all your audioloops
first off let me say this patch is killer and i'm having an awesome time toying around with it! i'm very new to PD and hoping i'll be able to make something remotely close to your patches eventually.
i was wondering some more about what hummm said concerning tempos and the loops i introduce--for some reason, even when i adjust the bpm to what the loop actually is, i can't seem to get the loop to sound right.
i guess i'm basically just wondering if there's a way to get the loops to sounds appropriate, because what i'm really hoping to do w/this is patch is establish the original loopand then deconstruct it/add other loops, etc. don't know if this makes sense or if there's an answer, but let me know what you all think!
thanks again for sharing a very sweet patch!
hi, i am hardoff. but now i am 'mod' because i terminate the spam from this forum.
are you using 44.1khz samples? i think this patch is hardcoded only to run at that rate.
however, if the problems you get with audio are little pulses on every beat, then that's due to the click-removal system. it would be possible to bypass that system while the sample plays back normally, but it would require a fair bit of work. -
@mod said:
hi, i am hardoff. but now i am 'mod' because i terminate the spam from this forum.
So now we finally now you really are a shapeshifter...
|] [] |.| ][|-| --
hardoff, thanks for the response! and sorry mine comes so late. checking the samples, they are all def. 44.1khz and its looking like the click removal may be the issue-the rate problem is more apparent on samples with relatively higher gain/waveforms with more clipping.
out of curiosity though, what's your process for sampling? ive just essentially been cutting samples w/recycle & exporting them. maybe the issue lies somewhere in that?
@J5 said:
looking like the click removal may be the issue-the rate problem is more apparent on samples with relatively higher gain/waveforms with more clipping.
yep, that would be the effect of the click-removal. you'll also notice it on more pure tones and bass sounds than on drums and noisy stuff.
@J5 said:
out of curiosity though, what's your process for sampling? ive just essentially been cutting samples w/recycle & exporting them. maybe the issue lies somewhere in that?
i cut all mine up in peak audio (mac). any sound editor would do the same job though. i doubt your recycle exports will be any trouble.
ill start keeping that in mind as i start dealing with more samples. thanks again for all the help! J5
really nice patch there hardoff
EDIT:im gonna try out and see if this patch would work in PDvst too,that would be KILLER
hi hardoff
i tried to replace the samples in the audioloops folder with my own,but get errors,i noticed the samples you used is .aiff files,does the patch "only"support those?or can i also use .mp3s and .wav??
i also need to figure out a way to retrig samples with keys on my midi keyborad,instead of the keys on the computer keyboard,is that possible??
.wav should be ok i think? mp3 definitely not. probably only works properly with 16bit, 44.1khz stereo files.
it would be totally possible to do midi. you can get midi in by [notein] i think.
then open the subpatch called [keyboard-leys] or something like that, and fidn the send names for each effect, and join them to the midi output instead of keyboard output.
nice i will try to dissect your patch,if its ok with you
i think i can learn alot about PD from your patch:) -
still have to dissect this patch,i hope i will get some time soon
hi, I know this is old, but I'm currently working on something that requires a little over a 100 pre loaded files and I really like the contents of [pd load] in your patch here. The audio i'm using is 1 to 10 sec long, and i'd like to load it in order (numerically), but would like to avoid making 120 messages to a soundfile object. An automated system like this would be great, and it isn't a live patch, so it can take it's time to load. Any objects you would suggest, or mods to the contents of this?
db -
@Hummm said:
Particulary with all your audioloops
Agree. Excellent selection of loops. Maybe i'll do something entirely based on those.
Hey all, I know this thread is a bit old, but I'm having problems getting this to load in windows even after adding [spigot~] to the ma4u library. Upon loading I get the message "signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)" about 20 times, I'm looking through the patch right now and don't see any instances of this. Any ideas?
I don,t have any sound at all, is it because it is a old patches?