The tuplex abstraction is a sequencer that works on the principle of tuplets in music theory, that is to say division of a time unit.;
It works around a [delay] object that is periodicaly syncronized to a master metro, so as to never go noticeably off-beat even with low precision.
It allows to write rythms as it follows: 16(1 0.8 1);
This is relative to the metro time setting and means that a period of 16 metro time units is divided into 3 beats.
You can also write 16(1 0.8 (1 1)), which means that the third beat itself is divided by 2
You can have a succession of such expressions as it follows: 16(1 0.8 (1 1))-7(0 0 1 0)-3(1 1)
Now it works fine for what it does but I find it inelegant:
You can only have on set of parenthesis inside another, what would be really cool is something in which you could have an infinite number of sub-parenthesis such as in the [expr] object like this: 64(1 0 (12 13 0 (0 1 (0 2) 4)) 1), but I have no programming knowledge to do this. I've spent a lot of time thinking about this but couldn't find a solution. If any-one has some ideas as to how to do this, please shoot!