Well, to give you an idea of what I'm trying to achieve and how I'm going on about it so far, I'm attaching my work in progress plus an ABox patch with some example of homegrown drum sounds I'm trying to redo in PD.
The NO-CTRL is the demo patch for PD and requires NoiseOsc~.pd and NZ1024.pd to run.
If you wanna check out the ABox circuit, get ABox242 here. It's a standalone windows executable. Runs just fine with wine on both linux and mac
Basically I'm modulating the amplitudes of half sine-cycles with stepped PRNs. Turns out to be extremely useful for realistically noisy sidebands found in all sorts of percussion, when tweaked right, and coupled with a suitable reverberator. Again, check the ABox examples if you don't believe me.
If I could reseed the noise~ object in PD, I'd be able to clock a couple of samphold~ objects and be done with it. For now, the array solution is ok, although not as elegant as I dreamed it up. Ideally I'd have two tabread~ objects running in parralel with -1 index offset on the second, but getting that setup to sync with the tone osc has not worked out for me yet, hence the samphold~ shift register thingy.
There is a bunch of comment text inside the NoiseOsc~ patch that further elaborates on the intricacies of the design and its shortcomings.
For explanations of the mess inside my ABox patch, feel free to ask, but dont expect a coherrent answer 
NZ1024.pd NoiseOsc~.pd NO-CTRL.pd