@Jona Hi, I couldn't finish creating the demo yet. But I think I'm getting there.
Here's what I've done so far, modular.zip. You need to reinstall ofelia v1.0.8 since I made changes to [ofEditRect] today. (I added "assignPos" and "assignDimen" method)
When you open the "main.pd" patch, you will be able to create a box using Control + '1'. And delete the box using the "backspace" key.
Also, you can select/unselect multiple boxes while holding down the "shift" key. Or you can select boxes with the area selection.
And you can zoom in/zoom out the screen using Control + "-"/"+".
I only tested the patch on macOS so far. Let me know if you find any problem.
EDIT : It seems the keycode doesn't output correct value when pressed with Control key on Windows. (or it could be the problem of my macbook keyboard) I will find a way to fix this. Until then, you can try on macOS or modify the patch.
I tried to make it work just like Pd. I will try to implement the patch cord feature this week.
I would also need to implement the copy/cut/duplicate/paste/undo/redo feature later. (after patch cord is ready)
And I think typing the name to create module can be implemented later.
Also, I think it needs to have some kind of window expander later. (similar to the OF addon you showed me last time)
And I'm thinking to make 2 modes (editmode, playmode) just like Pd. On editmode, you can create/delete/move/connect modules but you cannot adjust the GUI. On playmode, you can only adjust the GUIs inside the module. (e.g. knob) It will be just like how Pd works.
Let me know if you like the above mentioned plan and design idea.