Hi, I have a question concerning the [pd~] object:
How can I benefit from using it? I'm quite confused.
I did a test running a very cpu hungry patch in a sub-process and putting a reverb in the super-process. My preconception was that the audio drop-outs would occur only in the sub-process and could be heard in a nice clean reverberated way, but it affects everything, I have audio drop-outs wether I move objects with the mouse in the super-process or in the sub-process.
When I checked the cpu load was 90% in the sub-process and 10% in the super-process.
Is that related to the way JACK works? or a computer? Please excuse my complete ignorance on the matter.
I'm running ubuntu 14.04 with JACK on a Intel® Core™ i5-5200U CPU @ 2.20GHz × 4.