@ingox, first
Thanks a lot!!
Now, I have no errors in pd window! thanks for the Find -> Find Last Error TIP!
Concern to mouse click selecting more than one key, I make a test and have some strange behavior...
I draw the keyboard without bounds

and in black key bounds I can select a white key simultaneously!! So weird... :/
Here the patch => kslider_draw4.1.pd
I will report it to pd-list, sounds like a bug for me.. I don't know...
Wherever can be exist another solution for this problem. Once I need to enable mouse click and drag to press the keyboard keys dynamically, the color change behavior can be controled with mouse position tracking in GOP.
For that I think:
Use external [iemgui/iem_event] to track mouse in GOP
Use [cyclone/mousestate] to track mouse click
2.1 when click create a tiny scalar with data structure on mouse position
2.2 map x y pos of tiny scalar
2.3 mouse click off destroy tiny scalar.
The think 2 are better, once I want to submit these object to cyclone library.
I don't find documentation to delete scalar from data-window yet. Any documentation I lost..??
Thanks again!