I'm new here, new to pure data and also a noob in general when it comes to terminal command line etc. i have used pure data years ago but never dug deep enough. For a (eventually raspberry pi) project i need to set up fftease on intel mac (for now) and possible other library's as well. compiling these extensions seems like a good skill, i dont want to rely on others that have done it for me, but if there is a fftease 2.5.2 64 compiled version somewhere, please point me to it as i could not find it.
After trying to get fftease working i realised that i was doing the right thing with the {declare} object but was doing it with 32bit bin files on 64bit Pd, after i downloaded 32bit Pd everything seems to work.
What i'm asking myself is, is it a good idea to run 32 pure data on a 64bit intel mac? i may (or possible user error) already run into some problems.
How do i compile fftease 32bit files to 64bit bin in the terminal and should i only compile the .dll files? i have searched stack overflow etc. but i could not find a straight answer.
Thanks for reading