• sglandry

    Instead of an [import mrpeach] object, you can just just put mrpeach/ in front of the object you want to call. Like [mrpeach/udprecieve 8000].

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  • sglandry

    This is fun!

    Someone should turn this into an experiment to correlate their performance in this task with other psychological scales (auditory working memory span), demographics, and experience (instrument, musical training, etc).

    posted in patch~ read more
  • sglandry

    I just got a MPK mini midi controller and want to start controlling stuff in my pure data patches.

    Is there any quick way to get around not having a [midiin] object in windows?

    I have my MPKmini2 selected as my MIDI input device in Pd's settings.

    But I get nothing using the [ctrlin] or [hidin] objects. What am I missing?

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  • sglandry

    So from my understanding there is no way to make the gem window itself semi transparent? I would also be interested in using a Pd patch to make a prototype HUD for our driving simulator. It would be so easy to design it in Pd, and just move the window in front of the driving simulator visuals during a drive.

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  • sglandry

    Pd is surprisingly good at visuals. Quickly whipped up a pilot study for my lab-mate's in-vehicle UI study. Also made a 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 grid for easy medium and hard mode. The hand tracker is the Leap motion camera.

    • Provides auditory feedback of what zone you are in so you can keep your eyes on the road.
    • Randomly picks a new target zone and announces it every 10 seconds using [urn].
    • Collects reaction time, accuracy, target zone, and trail # and outputs to a .txt..

    If anyone else has a leap camera, here's the code.

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  • sglandry

    Thanks! I obviously didn't know that object existed. I'll have to test it out with some movement data to be sure, but I think this will be a huge step forward.

    If I wanted a less fine grain measure (rolling velocity over the last second if I'm getting a position reading 60x/second, could I just zl group 60 and take the mean of that list every second?

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  • sglandry

    I'm trying to get my phone's gyro/accelerometer sensors to talk to a pure data patch in a self contained app.

    I tried learning android studio with libpd, but dear god I'm not ready for that kind of commitment in my life just yet.

    I can run Pd apps on my phone with the PdDroidParty app, but I'd have no idea how to get the sensor data into PdDroidParty.

    I just found that that processing has an android mode, which makes it 1 bajillion times simpler to make an android app. The Ketai library for processing+android basically dump the phone's sensor and gesture data right into your lap.

    Is there an easy way to drop a pd patch into a processing sketch in android mode so I can route the sensor data to it? I saw a puredatap5 library for processing+android, but looks like there's no windows build and may or may not be still working.

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  • sglandry

    I'ma big dummy. I can tell pmpd has all the functionality I'm looking for, but following the provided examples is overwhelming. Does anyone have a tutorial (video or just instructions) on the basics of physical modelling?

    Here are a few of things I'm looking to do:

    Calculate velocity/acceleration from a stream of numbers: I have a camera that outputs x y & z coordinates of a tracked object. How could I figure out how fast it's currently moving?

    I'd also like to do some kind of model based sonification where I hear how fast an imaginary disc is spinning: So I apply some rotational force on that disc for a certain amount of time, which speeds up how fast it spins (represented by pitch or amp mod or something), but then it slowly goes back down to 0 rpm due to friction. I don't need to "see" the object using Gem, but just calculate how fast this thing would be spinning given some force applied.

    Any help appreciated. Thanks!

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  • sglandry

    Is there an alternative to OSCulator that I could use on my windows machine to grab and route the data sent from a wiimotion plus over bluetooth into pd?

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  • sglandry


    Here was my take on it.

    I had my guitar input via adc~, and I gutted an old usb keyboard so it only had a few keys left so I could use my foot to control it.

    Hold down the rec loop1 button to lay down the first layer, then use loop2 to stack as many layers ontop of it.

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!