• matchboxyouth

    @ingox Thank you!! You are a hero. A simple float object was all I needed there. I will indeed use send and returns to tidy it up at a later stage. Thanks again.

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  • matchboxyouth

    Hey, yeah I was looking at that earlier, thanks. I mean I can trigger samples and I am using essentially the same idea from that floss doc in regards how you go through a 16 step sequence, but how I control when a sample is triggered and not triggered I cannot figure out. I've shared my patch so far. As you'll see the sample is triggered on every step. But I'm trying to figure out how I skip steps by disabling the toggle somehow. And likewise when the toggle is on, it then triggers the sample. I would like to have control of when toggles are triggered and not triggered, as opposed to the metro object always controlling that. Seems such a straightforward idea but I'm absolutely stumped for now..


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  • matchboxyouth

    @whale-av Thank you for that

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  • matchboxyouth

    @alexandros Thanks very much for your message there. I'm not sure if this works for the specific use I'm going for though? I've included my patch for you to see. Basically, I'm building a little bpm counter for a larger patch I'm working on. By dividing the milliseconds of a minute into my desired bpm for this example (120), I get the 500 I mentioned in my OP. So that is my set tempo 120bpm or 500ms in regards to the bang.. so from there I need to create a signal that will send out to another bang from the same metro but 4 times as quick. So you'll see in the patch, the right bang I would like to bang four times as fast (125ms).


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  • matchboxyouth

    Hi, I've been trying to figure this out this morning and can't seem to find the answer.
    I want to send a value from a metro to two separate bangs. However, I want one of these value to be subdivided by a given amount, lets say 4, in turn hitting the second bang 4 times as fast. So if the metro is sending 500 out, I want to be able to send 125 to one of the bangs, giving me a bang 4 times as fast in milliseconds. Is there an object or message that I insert in between the second connection? Thanks guys

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  • matchboxyouth

    @alexandros That was it, table size was much too big and with a bit of compromise between the metro and the table size the waveform is updating nicely. Thanks guys.

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  • matchboxyouth

    @whale-av Thanks very much for that :)

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  • matchboxyouth

    I've included a video here of the problem.

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  • matchboxyouth

    Hi everyone, I encountered an odd problem today in relation to using the array as a waveform/signal display. I'm using a bang and metro so that the table updates constantly so that it looks like its a "live" visualiser. I'm sure you know what I mean. Anyway, the problem is, the table only updates if I am drawing something in on the table .. but once I stop drawing it freezes. Am I using these objects wrong or am I missing a trick here? I've included a screengrab. It works exactly like I want it to, but only when I am actively drawing on the table. Can I have it update constantly without having to do this? Thanks everyone.
    Screen Shot 2020-03-21 at 13.29.04.png

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  • matchboxyouth

    Just one other thing there, where can I find this 7.stuff/synth?

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  • matchboxyouth

    @Jona Thanks very much, will have a look now!

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  • matchboxyouth

    @Maelstorm Hi there, I came across this post today as I've just started using PD recently and polyphony has become a bit of a struggle. For that reason your patch was great one sense but it does pose some new challenges.
    How does one add ADSR functions to all the voices at once? Or even how does one select different waveshapes? I can build monophonic versions of both of these but once I get to polyphony, I hit a wall.

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  • matchboxyouth

    Hi everyone!

    This is my first post and I'm very new to PD, so apologies in advance for any frustrations I may cause :grin:
    I'm trying to re-create various elements from a number of small Max patches to work in PD but obviously some of the objects and language does not translate so easy. For example, in one max patch there is a series of tapin~ to tapout~ connections, but seeing as they do not exist in PD I was trying to figure out what I would replace these with? I have tried (for a couple hours and gave up for now in frustration) and what I did read in research was that these objects would be replaced by delwrite~, vd~ or delread~ objects? So I've attached a screenshot of my max and my attempt at recreating it also. Perhaps someone with knowledge of both could see where I might be going wrong? Thanks very much ! I can provide both patches if necessary

    Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 14.02.41.png tape warp.png

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