• mahatGma

    Hi everybody,
    I am searching external ddsp~,
    did anyone build it successfully for mac?

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  • mahatGma

    pdsettings like search path or startup flags are stored in the directory '/Library/Preferences/org.puredata.pd.plist'. That is the reason why startup flags cannot be transferred .

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  • mahatGma

    I change the startup flags of Pd within the .dmg;
    but when I transfer it to another machine this startup flag disappear.
    Any idea.?

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  • mahatGma

    yeah standalone works only on my machine :( . I am so sorry.
    did you try the .zip patch?

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  • mahatGma

    so, I've updated the patch after debugging, please try this one

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  • mahatGma

    I utilize Dan Ellis' patch to resynthesize Spear file.

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  • mahatGma

    well, since the sound resynthesized after transmission is very poor, harmonizig or pitchifying makes it a bit more interesting

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  • mahatGma


    I developed this Pd patch for my own usage to monitor my baby's crying. It can be used as sender as well as receiver. It is intended to run with PdDroidParty on your android machine. Sender and receiver must be connected to the same local network.

    |sigmund~|'s partial tracking data is what is transmitted over the network. Then it is resynthesized by the receiver. This allows us to change the pitch and harmonic content of the data transmitted.

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  • mahatGma


    • create a folder called 'patch' and put your patch (which has to be named as "droidparty_main.pd') into it
    • './pack-patch' is a bash script, if you wanna see what it does open it with a text editor and try to read it.
    • if you cannot run './pack-patch', .zip your patch folder and put it into res/raw directory
    • README.txt resides in the main folder called MySynthesizer

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  • mahatGma

    After I've got an android device recently, impressed by PdDroidParty and developed this simple ear trainer. The patch uses a piano sound. You can choose the pitches to be asked and the octave range. The label of the number box for oct_range is misplaced; I couldn't solve this problem. Beyond that everything works perfect

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  • mahatGma

    'array interpolation' abstraction allow us to glide between arrays smoothly. The patch is controlled by a slider, whose values could be changed between 0 and 1. By changing this value, an interpolated version of two arrays is written to a third array.


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  • mahatGma

    what is the easiset way of writing pixel_data (RGB or gray-value) into arrays?

    I've tried it by scanning the file using pix_data object.
    my patch scans and writes y values for each x sequentially:
    for x0 from y0 to yn;
    for x1 from y0 to yn;
    for xn from y0 to yn.

    I believe there should a better and easier way to this job. Could you advise me?


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  • mahatGma

    This patch allows us to make spectral interpolation between two 'Spear' files;

    Using 'Spear'; analyze any length of sound, reduce the content of spectrum by deleting partials below x magnitude{dB} and x length{sec}.


    After you've downloaded the spectral interpolation folder

    open ~/spectral-interpolator-help.pd

    1- type 1 on the number box
    2- choose the .txt 'Spear' file {departure}
    3- type 2 on the number box
    4- choose another .txt 'Spear' file {target}
    5- send an init bang
    6- start playback [you will hear the first sound character]

    after this steps you can navigate between two sounds using the yellow slider.

    I used Dan Ellis' patch to import Spear file into Pd.


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  • mahatGma

    This patch allows you to record the live sound using the MIDI keyboard as trigger [note-on message starts recording and note-off stops it].

    After downlading the file

    open the ~/tables-live.pd (the 'tabplayer' file has to be in the same folder)

    1- determine the number of seperate tracks (tables or samples)
    2- press any key on your MIDI controller to start recording and release the key to stop it.
    3- click on the corresponding cell of the 'horizontal radio' to start & stop the playback of the corresponding sample.

    At each bang [note-on message],
    the sounds are written to the following table [buffer] in any length [max 10 seconds; u can change it by changing the size of the table 'ses' in the |pd inside|

    ! this patch fails in synchronizing the recorded samples !


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  • mahatGma

    i was missing 'interp' procedure of CommonMusic; so i did it today in Pd using |maxlib/scale| and dynamic patching. I wonder, if anyone knows an easier way of doing this job.


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  • mahatGma

    let me share an eleganter version of Array interpolation abstraction


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  • mahatGma

    Hey Jwif, did you check my spectral interpolation patch? It uses interpolated arrays in order to morph the sounds. The 'sounds' consist of frequency and amplitude pairs analyzed by Spear.

    @mahatGma said:

    This patch allows us to make spectral interpolation between two 'Spear' files;

    Using 'Spear'; analyze any length of sound, reduce the content of spectrum by deleting partials below x magnitude{dB} and x length{sec}.


    After you've downloaded the spectral interpolation folder

    open ~/spectral-interpolator-help.pd

    1- type 1 on the number box
    2- choose the .txt 'Spear' file {departure}
    3- type 2 on the number box
    4- choose another .txt 'Spear' file {target}
    5- send an init bang
    6- start playback [you will hear the first sound character]

    after this steps you can navigate between two sounds using the yellow slider.

    I used Dan Ellis' patch to import Spear file into Pd.

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  • mahatGma

    > ...how many x..?
    it depends on your ram and cpu power.
    Try to load AsianKit.txt and AsianKit-2.txt; their size are optimum for my system 2.4 gHz Intel. 2 gb ram.

    > ..a wave with a duration of 7 minutes..
    7 minutes is too long!; the aim is not to interpolate long pieces, but rather relatively short sounds

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