• lyric

    thanks a lot for your help guys. Based on what you said i think i finally got it (kinda wish our professor had actually shown us the stop object though:sweat_smile: ). Here is the program
    patch02_Sotiropoulos.pd pic.png

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  • lyric

    @seb-harmonik.ar could you please explain about including a reset of the metro in the random selection, thanks

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  • lyric

    First of all, thanks a lot for the answers. Unfortunately, our professor told us that we can only use what we showed in class, which only includes: bangs, metros, triggers, randoms, toggles, number boxes, messages, prints, dac~, osc~, phasor~, mtof, and the different arithmetic operations (+,-,*,/). My main problem is how to restart the process after each ring of the metronome (for example, after the metro rings every 500 mlsec, it keeps ringing at that pace)

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  • lyric

    Hello, i am a beginner at Puredata and i was assigned an exercise about the use of metronome.
    The exercise says: that after every ring, the metronome must have 50% chance of ringing after 500mlsec, 25% chance of ringing after 200 mlsec and 25% chance of ringing after 1000 mlsec. I have made a few possible answers (at least i think) but i have no idea if they are correct. Could someone tell me if it actually does that? Thanks a lot

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