• lukexi

    Hi all, cross posting this in case you're not on the pdlist.

    Controctopus is a system for automating any parameter of your patches with a midi controller. Once put in place, you'll be able to select a controller and choose from a dropdown menu all of the parameters in your patch, then save that mapping for recall whenever you like. It also takes care of mapping your controller's 0-127 range to whatever the ideal ranges of your parameters are.

    If you're already using Frank's Memento, Controctopus was built on top of a modified version I call "Semento", which means you'll get the new functionality nearly for "free" by replacing the original Memento objects with the Semento equivalents.

    You can also look at it as: by adding Controctopus, you get Memento (+ Semento's [polaroid]) for free : D.

    If you are familiar with Novation's "Automap" for the Remote SL, this is basically that in Pd (and in fact I use it with my Remote SL).

    Inside you'll find an abstraction called "controctopus-help.pd" that contains a nice, working overview of the system to base your own implementation on.

    Make sure to add all the patches to your path!

    Please give it a whirl and let me know how it goes, I'll be happy to help get things going. I'd like to clean this up and document it more, so you'll be my beta testers : ).


    posted in abstract~ read more
  • lukexi

    hardoff, this is the mufuin' jam, sir.

    posted in patch~ read more
  • lukexi

    and, fyi, you can skirt around metro's 1ms limit by rebuilding a metro using [delay]. I've recreated metro as [vmetro] in the latest pd-e autobuilds under senderfruit ([senderfruit/vmetro] should do the trick)


    posted in technical issues read more
  • lukexi

    Hi all,
    Controctopus can now be found in the Sourceforge Pd Subversion repository under /trunk/pure-data/abstractions/senderfruit/controctopus and Semento at /trunk/pure-data/abstractions/senderfruit/semento.

    There's an updated version of both there now, with a completed midi-tentacle-multi and a couple fixes for Semento.


    posted in abstract~ read more
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