• LockdownDJ

    Ok, so I am trying to send control change messages to the voices of my poly synth. I was working with control 0 - modulation, control 7 - volume, and pitchbend.

    I know I am doing something wrong but what I did is connect the ctlin objects to my voices directly. Is that right? How do you have the voices react to the control changes correctly?

    I am attaching my patch. Also the Release of my ADSR isn't working. I currently have velocity driving my amplitude which is why the Release isn't working, i think. Because velocity is driving my amplitude as soon as I release the midi note the velocity goes directly to zero and so does the amplitude. Let me know if I need to clarify anything. Thanks in advance!


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  • LockdownDJ

    I am a relative noob to PD. I need to have a sample that is an array to play when I hit my midi controller keys. If I play middle C, i want the sound to play at its regular rate. If I play a C an octave above then the sound should play at twice as fast of its original speed. If I play a C an octave below then the sample or sound in the array should play twice as slow. How do i do that?

    By the way I have to have a poly synth working with this, so i'm pretty sure that all this should take place in a subpatch, but I could be wrong.

    So how do I have the sound in my array be played by pressing on my midi controller keys while using a poly synth? Thanks in advance for any help.

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  • LockdownDJ

    Nice, thank you very much Maelstrom. This makes a lot of sense. I appreciate you taking the time to do the edits. Thanks again!

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  • LockdownDJ

    Cool, thanks for your reply.

    I took out one of those *~1 objects and added the sel 0 object to the velocity output but I cant get it any sound without the original velocity hookups setup the way the were.

    Here is that adsr abstraction and a revision of the project/voices. I only have the first voice in use right now, I want to get it right in that voice first. Also how where would I hook up the pitch bend and modulation control change messages?

    Thanks a lot for your help!


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  • LockdownDJ

    Cool, thanks for your reply.

    I took out one of those *~1 objects and added the sel 0 object to the velocity output but I cant get it any sound without the original velocity hookups setup the way the were.

    Here is that adsr abstraction and a revision of the project/voices. I only have the first voice in use right now, I want to get it right in that voice first. Also how where would I hook up the pitch bend and modulation control change messages?

    Thanks a lot for your help!


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  • LockdownDJ

    Nice, thanks Maelstrom.

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