I want to output a face message using "Pure Data with Kinect SDK", but I don't know how to change it.
I guessed that I would change [route / joint] of PD patch to [route / face], but it didn't work.
Please lend me some wisdom. -
Thank you for your reply.
When I opened head_pose_estimation.pd located in head-pose-estimation-master / pd /declare: mac-libs: unknown declaration
expr, expr ~, fexpr ~ version 0.4 under GNU General Public LicenseWas displayed.
Also, on the Kinect Headtracking with OSC Support, "* get and install OpenCV from http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/opencv-win/2.4.0/"
It is written like this, but at OpenCV version 2.4.0 was not found. -
I have installed "Kinect for Windows SDK v1.8" and "OpenCV".
But when I open the patch in Pure Data, it doesn't work.
Is there any other necessary process?https://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40278 -
Currently, I am using "Pure Data-extended" on Windows 10 and want to use "Kinect for Xbox 360" to run "Kinect Headtracking with OSC Support" which is a patch of the site described below, but it does not work. Hmm.
Please give me some hints -
Thank you for your reply. I want to make something that behaves like'earplug'. I want to fold the impulse response and input signal with fft and output it.
Eventually I would like to select the impulse response in the'openpanel'and replace the'pink ~'object with a song to make it work.
Is it working with the attached file?
if you'd kindly teach me. -
This is a convolution patch based on this site with pd-extented, but it sounds the same between both ears. Please tell me what is wrong.
Also, if you have a sample patch about this, please let me know. -
I want to do head tracking using XBOX 360 kinect with PureData, but I don't know how to connect.
Please lend me some wisdom -
I want to convolve using FFT with HRTF data for 3d audio production.
I know there are externals like 'earplug ~', but I want to complete them without them.
Is there anything that can be helpful? Lend me your wisdom