I want to output a face message using "Pure Data with Kinect SDK", but I don't know how to change it.
I guessed that I would change [route / joint] of PD patch to [route / face], but it didn't work.
Please lend me some wisdom.
How to output face message using "pure data using Kinect SDK"
@Laevatein If you connect a [print] object to the outlet of [unpackOSC] then all the incoming messages will be printed to the Pd terminal. Then disconnect the [print] so the list is no longer being updated (it's impossible to read otherwise) and you will be able to see the whole list in the terminal.
You should then be able to spot the message you want and work out how to route it.I don't have a Kinect..... but I remember from other posts on the forum the message being "head" and not "face"....?
If you still have trouble routing it then post the message and someone will help.