• lacuna

    @mt2002 what is the error message?

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  • lacuna

    @navu this could be another simple Vanilla speedlim:

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  • lacuna

    GUI slows down when being updated at high rates.
    This already might happen with a single GUI. Visuals / eyes do not require such a high update rate as sound / ears does. (PAL framerate is 25 fps)

    so Pd can freeze with

    [metro 2]

    while metro 60 runs smoothly.

    Without knowing your patch, into the dark: Separate GUI updates (with [set $1( message to GUI object) from audio modulations [*~]. Where GUI updates at lower rate.

    [set( message makes sure the GUI is only set (here for visuals) without output.

    First thing I try when dealing with fast incoming messages are [change] and some sort of [speedlim] before the GUI:
    There are many different ones from different libraries, with the same name [speedlim], and some may be Vanilla abstractions, but not sure about this, - and as far as I remember, someone posted a simple Vanila speedlim in the forum just recently?


    (wish Pd had build-in some kind of global speedlim for GUIs ...or would get rid of TCL)

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  • lacuna

    @polle yes

    also see the help file of s~ r~

    the former way has been, and still useful:

    [block~ 1]
    [array define fb 1]

    [tabsend~ fb]

    [tabreceive~ fb]

    not sure if [block~ 1] [throw~ feedback] [catch~ feedback] can go down to 1 sample delay, but I think so

    On naming:
    [pd nameofsubpatch] is a subpatch
    and your [bbt-waveguide] is an abstraction

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  • lacuna

    Also be aware that the patch is calculated in blocks
    and if you detatch the feedback-loop with s~ r~ or similar,
    one-block-delay is introduced in the feedback.
    64 samples, - as long as you do not put these abstractions in a reblocked subpatch: [block~ 1] in [pd subpatch]

    offtopic but all those 1-sample delays in the abstraction (one of many ways to do this in Vanilla would be [rzero_rev~] ) are not required I guess.

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  • lacuna

    there is the dsp-loop:


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  • lacuna


    # set total_recentfiles 5
    set total_recentfiles 10 

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  • lacuna

    fastest and easiest, probably [env~].
    or maybe this: https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/13046/a-movable-autoconnnecting-vu-meter-esp-for-debugging-code
    or some oscilloscope abstraction

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  • lacuna

    @fishcrystals @mkdewolf
    control rate [line] output updates every 64th sample
    signalrate [line~] does continuous ramp on each sample


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  • lacuna

    Indeed, stairs require lowered anti-aliasing filtering at the output.


    But does always any DAC need filtering, even for sines below Niquist??

    Hmmm here the stairs are in the human hearing-range....

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  • lacuna

    What would be a Vanilla replacement for [filter~]'s core ?

    It doesn't have a help-file, I could only find the source with comments:


    /* ---------- filter~ - slow dynamic filter-kernel 1. and 2. order ----------- */

    It seems to have some interpolation algorithm to deal with the limited update rate of control-rate-only-inputs.
    I don't need this, we can omit that, - just interested in what kind of filter is this?

    it has several modes:

    lp1, lp2, hp1, hp2,
    lp1c, lp2c, hp1c, hp2c,
    ap1, ap2, ap1c, ap2c,
    bpq2, rbpq2, bsq2,
    bpw2, rbpw2, bsw2,
    dlp1, dlp2, dhp1, dhp2,
    dlp1c, dlp2c, dhp1c, dhp2c,
    dap1, dap2, dap1c, dap2c,
    dbpq2, drbpq2, dbsq2,
    dbpw2, drbpw2, dbsw2

    And is used in many of IEMLIB's filters ...

    Is this a biquad?

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  • lacuna

    Still a mystery why the send-method works? Anyone knows?
    And still wondering what drowning in symbols means?

    In the extra spigot patch, you can get rid of [t a a] to maybe save some CPU cycles.
    And maybe the send-method is cheaper than this.

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  • lacuna

    [1 1, 0 0 5001(

    rise till 1 in 1 ms, wait for 5000 ms then fall to 0 in 0 ms.

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  • lacuna

    one more demux, currently I think it is perfect:



    And Zexy [mux] of course acts just the same, so no problem here. Nothing wrong with your example. @beep.beep

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  • lacuna

    it should move the incoming [0( or [1( later in the execution order, rather than sooner.

    Yes, as far as I know, it moves to the last position in the scheduler:
    After everything else, but still in sync/at block-boundary. And I think we can rely on this.

    But indeed, it is not a solution, as this doesn't work anymore:

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  • lacuna

    Yes, right-to-left order for outlets.
    But connecting the loop to the right outlet, it happens again - yes, expected this time, but that is not consistent with Zexy's [demux]...


    As mentioned above, the loop is unnecessary.
    If behaviour of demux needs to be replicated some [del 0] or [pipe 0] might do.


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  • lacuna

    same issue as an abstraction

    oh! I didn't try, made wrong assumptions.

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  • lacuna

    :) confusing!
    Actually a subpatch doesn't make any difference about execution order. It is just the same as without subpatching. A patch with subpatches is still one patch.

    As I read the patch with the output after click# 1, you must have been connecting the right hand [spigot] to the left inlet after you have created the loop between [t b b b] and [1( ?

    Simply do this:

    [o] 2) <--- this is your 2nd bang
    [t b b b]

    where the leftmost outlet goes to [1(
    without any recursion-loop.

    Or create an abstraction out of the subpatch, like [demux_vanilla]. Then connect everything around as you wish.
    This way you make sure that the demuxer acts like a container: because then it really is a patch within a patch.

    08.depthfirst shows that the whole chain of the right outlet of [trigger] is completed first. No matter what is in that chain (with the excepetion of what comes after [del] or [pipe], because these break the order).

    G05.execution.order is about signalrate objects which have no intermediate connection, such as delay~lines, [s~] [r~], [throw~] [catch~], but not about control-objects' execution order.

    On naming: The "v" in [vline~] or [vsnapshot~] indicates a more enhanced version (which can update in-beetween blocks) and has nothing to do with "Vanilla".

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