@whale-av What is the latest version PD for Raspberry pi2?
I re install pd on my Pi2 and the version I got is 0.51.4 -
for some reason the object [file] is grayd out on my pd on my Pi. Where can I download it?
my pure data version is 0.51.4 -
is there an object that can output the patch of where the patch is located at?
Thanks for suggestion!
I use urn pd version and it works fine!! -
btw- is there an object that output random numbers without repetition? same as urn in Max?
I'm using Raspberry Pi and an Arduino to read button presses.
I have a folder with 10 or so WAV files.
I would like that when button is pressed a random file will be playing from the beginning to end. Only when file finished a new press will active a new random file.How can I implement that with PD?