• jackULL

    I'd like to share this quite fun game. I was trying to learn how [flashserver] & flosc works, while creating my own pd stand-alone. So I ended up creating this simple game. Let me know how it works. Have fun...

    posted in patch~ 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    I'd like to share this quite fun game. I was trying to learn how [flashserver] & flosc works, while creating my own pd stand-alone. So I ended up creating this simple game. Let me know how it works. Have fun...

    posted in patch~ 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    is there such a thing as down sampling or up sampling the [outlet~] or [dac~]? i have a bunch of .wav file which is in 11025hz & i dont have a batch file converter to up sample it to 44100hz.
    so basically, the files playsback at a chipmunk speed as i think my computer soundcard doesn't accept lower sampling rate for .wav. i tried to lowered the sampling rate at the audio setting but no audio playback. -j

    posted in technical issues 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    i have the cyclone library already loaded at startup but, [cyclone] couldn't create. is there a process to create that cyclone object or am i missing somethig? i looked up on the extras folder where cyclone lib resides but no cyclone.pd_darwin inside.
    i'm using pd extended for mac osx.

    posted in technical issues 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    For all those long time PD programmers... Does PD crashes on you?

    If so how can I recover a .pd file that gets corrupted after a hang?
    I am so pissed that my whole pd session got F&^% up after a week of working on it. I don't even remember half of what I've done as I'm just started with pd.
    Could somebody please help me how to recover those file. How did it happen? Why?

    I could still open the file but I can't get inside to any of the sub patches and the menu commands doesn't function either except 'quit'. I tried to open other files and it seems working fine. There is no errors on the pd windows. But I couldn't do anything on the file.

    Btw, I'm using Pd-ext for MacBook OSX 10.4.11.

    Please....I need help. Im dying in here :(

    posted in technical issues 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    this is my 1st time of trying OSC & couldn't figure out how to send the data or event inside the [unpack] messages. check out the .pd attached on how should i send those messages.


    posted in technical issues 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    i created 2 bass seq pattern, 2 drum pattern, & kinda 2 melody line. how to select & interchange them using the [key] while playing/running on the fly? i tried [select] or [change], but the problem is they can be selected but when i change to a different pattern the previous one is still running. so it gets messed up :)

    check the attached, hopefully I sketch it better.



    posted in technical issues 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    Would anyone suggests how to change or send a seed number to a [random N], so I don't need to keep on clicking the chosen seed N? I was thinking of making a table message for seed numbers every 2 sec or so, but not sure how :( .
    I started like this;

    [metro 250]
    | \
    | [f] [+1] <--counter
    | |
    | [mod 8]
    | |
    | [sel 0]
    | |
    | [seed 1( , [seed 2( , [seed N(
    | /
    [random N]
    [+ 48]

    thank you...

    posted in technical issues 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    Need advise... As a nu"PD"bee, I was trying to create a random note value so it doesn't play straight even notes like a quarter note every beat. Not sure which method I should use. Patch attached.



    posted in patch~ 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL


    Just started PD... I was wandering if it's possible to load/launch an external apps with pd. Is there an object or message command for this like load or open?
    [load /myApps.exe]?


    btw; Im using obiwannabe tutorials, excellent stuff sir :) . Will post my progress hopeflly.

    posted in technical issues 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    @monbaza said:

    jackULL, I have to say your response is much than appreciated from me. These links are very practical especially the obiwan (startrekk rules!).

    you are very welcome... i know you mean Star Wars :) as Obiwan wouldn't be happy to be part of Captain Kirk's crew. here's the reason why;


    posted in Off topic 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    hi monbaza - i do the same thing as you do, but at night i'm a whore :)... pd whore
    anyway, i was once lost with Pd but now i must say that i learn by embarrasing myself posting some stupid questions & asking some obvious dumb one. but i guess we all got to start somewhere. so now i am not that lost...

    here's a good start as sometimes pd browser is very hard to understand;


    of course don't forget about our own obiwan site, lots of cool pd info & patches to try;


    this pd workshop has a lot of example that you can check out as well;


    here's miller puckette's dsp book which you can check out as well & refers to a lot of Pd example;


    unfortunately, there's no well documented pd book afaik, i'm waiting for obiwan's book to be release which i'm sure lots of helpful info...

    have fun...

    posted in Off topic 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    @hardoff said:

    jackull, that's why i added an external pitch input to the player.

    add this patch to the sample-slicer folder and see how it works:

    works really well, excellente. thanks again

    posted in patch~ 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    indeed very cool patch.
    i wander if it's possible to set the pitch just for a certain slice not the whole sample. for example just change the pitch of a snare slice from the offspring example... just a thought.
    anyway, thanks for sharing. this is a very nice tool...

    posted in patch~ 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    what method have you tried so far?

    in your patch, try to replace the [flashserver 31337 16] to something like
    [flashserver 33333 1].
    you can also try on a new patch & just put [flashserver]. see if it works then all you need is to add the port number other than 31337 & change the action script to match your pd port number.

    posted in technical issues 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    yes it's a dupe. please remove... thanks

    posted in patch~ 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    it works for me. i just copy from your post & pasted it on a text, save it with no associated application. then on the desktop just rename it as"harmonizer.pd" & the icon automatically change to a pd file. i'm using pd-extended for macbook intel.

    posted in technical issues 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    it's weird as I don't see the attachment too that's why I got double post... hmmm
    sorry bout that. see if this post pick the attachment. moderator?. it is just a zip file 2.5mb

    [edited] an hour later: Here's a link a created for this download:


    hope it works out...

    posted in patch~ 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    I also don't know why after working with my patch using [flashserver], by opening, reopening & opening it back again for a long time, I also got same messages "can't create flashserver object" So I have been experimenting a bit with this as well as flosc lately...
    I tried to use [flashserver/flashserver 31337 1] or try [import flashserver].
    However i found out that it is more to do with the port number than the actual flashserver object. Just change the port number to something like 33333 & you'll be fine. If you are using the pd-extended version, there are 2 [flashserver] externals & I just delete the one which is the older version. I still gets the message... so I either change the port number in my action script or at the pd patch. hope it helps...
    you can email me if you have any question or anything you will find out while working on flashserver, as I sometimes forgets to drop by at this forum who had so many great helpful people to ask around.

    posted in technical issues 17 years agoread more
  • jackULL

    @jon2211 said:

    Cont. from http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-1883-max-switch

    I am stuck with the move to Max but I think it will work out.

    yes jon you are stuck as you r the only rose among the thorns :)
    however, it sounds like a good job that perhaps switching to max is not really an issue.
    goodluck though.

    posted in Off topic 17 years agoread more
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