• hithertonothing


    I've been looking for some basic tutorials on tone within PD. I've gone through the basics of complex waves, envelopes, filters etc. I now want to create more complex instrument tones such as guitar, sitar, etc I've done some googling and searched the forum for tutorials but things either seem to be to basic or too complicated - any suggestions?

    Cheers :)

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing

    Hello :)

    Is it possible to use the octave doubler example that comes with PD to increase several octaves in this way or are there any other tutorials out there on increasing pitch without altering the timbre?

    I'm ideally looking for a way to capture the timbre of a guitar - Any suggestions?

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing


    I had the above settings working with my old computer running XP, but it doesn't seem to work with my new machine running windows 7 64-bit. Any suggestions?

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing

    I'm planning to build a DIY re-amp box (http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l195/wolfeman28/Page3.jpg) in order to create real time effects from a guitar, to pure data, through the re-amp and then finally into my amp.

    Has anyone attempted one of these for the same or similar purposes to my own? If so please throw me any tips/tricks/diagrams/products/general helpful comments you can conjure.

    Cheers :)

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing


    I'm wondering if its a good idea to connect straight from my soundcard into the input of guitar amp.

    My plan is to make some guitar effects in PD(mainly octave doublers), and then use the amp settings(distortion etc) for some extra effects on top.

    Should work as it's all just electrical signals right?


    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing


    I'm looking to get a taster of what PD can do with live instruments, does anyone have any live non-midi effects they've created, that they wouldn't mind showing off - preferably guitar or vocal effects but anything will do really :)


    posted in output~ 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing


    I'm wondering if I wanted to add for example drum, bass and guitar to create a PD track, how can I get around this if I only have two output channels on my sound card.


    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing

    thanks very much, will check these resources out asap! :)

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing

    okay :) but what about increasing what you've recorded by say a flat 3rd or a 5th?

    I can do it fine with a wave with a repeating pattern but with microphone capture *brain melt*

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing

    Thanks for the reply!

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing

    thank you so much, that's exactly what I needed :)

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing

    cheers for the reply but the hardware is not the problem, I'll elaborate.

    Within pure-data I'll be using one real life guitar, I want to apply various effects, for example hearing an octave above what I'm playing whilst also being able to hear the original octave - in real time. Would I send the original and the new octave to the same dac~ object within pure data to be able to hear them both clearly?

    Thanks :)

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing

    thanks, amazing patch!

    posted in output~ 14 years agoread more
  • hithertonothing

    Thanks for the reply - it's a great patch! Although I'm wondering with something like this (or any patch with multiple instruments/sounds) would all the tracks be sent to the same dac~ object?

    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
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