• gratkowski

    @weightless Thanks again, I found a way to iter the list with the list examples in the help file

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  • gratkowski

    Thanks a lot. Unfortunately I'm trying to program for an iPhone and use Pd 0.46.7 without libraries, I don't have list-drip.

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  • gratkowski


    how do I get "4:3" into a list of 4 and 3. In other words, how do I get rid of the separator : ?

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  • gratkowski

    thanks for all the help. Unfortunately I can't uses extended versions of PD (working with MobMuPlat).
    I'm using Pd 0.46.7
    I need the result as a float not as a symbol in order to use it for math.
    The reason I have the symbol /1.../n is that they got sent from an iPhone with MobMuPlat and I don't want to route each symbol separately.
    I made it work from /1..../9 but not with /12 or /45630



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  • gratkowski

    Hi Gilberto,
    thanks for the reply. I'm looking for a possibility to just get rid of the slash so if the incoming messages are /1 /2 /3 /4 I want just the numbers respectively 1 2 3 4. So /1 -> 1 , /7 -> 7
    I hope this is more clear.


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  • gratkowski

    hello, how do I route /1 and /2 in a way that I just get rid of the slash and get the output 1 and 2 in order to multiply them with another number?

    posted in patch~ read more

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