Is there a smart way to move dynamically subpatches in a main patch ?
I have fun with "donecanvasdialog" and "relocate" messages, but I think the only way would be use motion messages and simulate mouse selection.
Do you see another way ? -
Hi pd lovers,
Do you know an abstraction or externals for spatialize audio between 4 or more audio output.
I know [audience~] from Yves degoyon : [url=http://ydegoyon.free.fr/software.html ]http://ydegoyon.free.fr/software.html
but it crashes my pd. I don't know why. I'm under windows 2000 with pd 0.37.
May be I didn't install it correctly.
Do you know other objects may be more simple ?
thanks ,
http://impala-utopia.org -
I'm trying to play a file and loading another file in another table.
I've some digital artefacts "clics". How do you think do this without "clics".
the aim idea is generative music, a non-stop music. I must change sound files in the same time that playing others.
thanks -
I've installed demudi1.2 Linux distribution. And Now, I don't know where could I edit the pd startup files to put my preferences and path for abtractions.
the path please ... -
hello I've done some abstractions to use the object QList as a preset recorder and player. It allows to record a stream of number too.
The help is in french. I'll do an other better in english.
the differents views:
1 - - - view one.
2 - - - view two
downoad all -
is anyone used it?
I will try to use with a laptop which control the master computer. -
here you can see the main idea of Pure Data for french people:
[url=http://giair.music.free.fr ]http://giair.music.free.fr
if you have any comments, say me ...
For anyone who could do french documentation for avanced field in Pd like synthesis, samplers and others... -
Hello, I'm developping this project. We should write the list of objects in english soon. If you have any questions, me an email : abel dot jerome _a_ free dot fr.
I saw your patch before. It's very nice.
My needs :
- I want one window opened in fullscreen.
- The window is split in 2 areas : a menu and the main content area. I want something like a tab navigation.
- With the menu buttons, I want display subpatches or abstractions in front of all the others, to take whole content aera.
Is it clear ?
I thought enable GOP for the abstraction selected by a menu button, and disable GOp for the others. Then move this abstraction in the right coordonates and size.
In fact, I would like to find a way where I can avoid 2 patches opened.
I tried use Qlist long time ago.
NOw I update the patch for you. The purpose is to record 6 data flow incoming and read them after.
http://impala.utopia.free.fr/pd/patchs/QLIST_TEST.zipI don't know how to use it very well ...
For sequencing the best way seems to be array graphic. A beautiful and simple exemple here :
Null pointer Drum Machine
this is THE problem with [tabread~] !
I had hurting with this a long time/ But There is 2 solutions If you know exactly the numbers of samples of the audio file, see it :
#N canvas 231 -4 755 447 10;
#X obj 258 222 table 1-Left;
#X obj 28 140 soundfiler;
#X msg 28 104 read -maxsize 8.2467e+006 D:/test5.wav 1-Left;
#X text 25 63 8.2467e+006 samples = 187 secondes = 3 minutes 3 secondes
#X floatatom 28 166 15 0 0 1 samples - -;
#X text 27 34 you can use more than 60 seconds with -maxsize tag;
#X text 26 48 You have to known the number of samples;
#X obj 427 84 table 0-Left 8.2467e+006;
#X text 430 58 or write argument in the -
What an impressive work.!
Drums synth are really nice ( and some are very complex for me). I think It's a joy to play with it. I will recommand it for the beginners.
Thanks for this package of abstractions. I think I will try to do a track with it or the rythmic side.
I 've not see it in the https://www.puredata.org/community/patches page. It's a real mistake ! share it here, no ? -
ok I itry it, but ...
How connect in root
the command "sudo passwd root" seems to not work to precize a password for root. (view in the documentation online)
so I can't dpkg, I can"t shutdown .SO NICE ! -
the [coll] object is the best one ! it is in the Cyclone library. Very simple
or you can just store number in different index into a table with [tabwrite] and recall the number with [tabread]
Its the both best ways I think -
so an so long ....
We say to me that it's a problem of pure data version which is pd 0.37.1 devel in the DEMUDI 1.2.0 distribution.
I did : apt-get update + apt-get install pure data
I've now the pd 0.38.4 version.
I've changed the Period/Buffer to 4, the XRUNS callback are not so many now ... It's softer.
When i launch pd in the work space number 1 (It's KDE Xserver graphic), the sound is interrupted a lot of time, and when I go to the next workspace (with pd on the first one) the sound is smoother.
The sound is interrupted less but it's the same shit sound. when I select the next workspace, I've A CORRECT FINE SOUND!
Is it a proble of KDE, ALSA or pd ?
And in the both case when the mouse scroll over a windows, it CLICKS !
SO ? could you help me ? -
post your patch.
The meaning of this message is that There is an infinite loop of information. -
I 've the same error with DEMUDI 1.2.0, I'm fighting it during 1 week, but ...
a lot of audio clics , shit sounds !!
my DIO errors messages :
I've tried the see this problem into linux forums, I've just found this :
Someone say that we have to change SETUP in JACK, don't use realtime, use "jackd" instead of "jackstart", maybe change PEriods/Buffer to 4. But always this shit sounds !
So someone says that it's a problem of version of pure data, because I haven't this sound in other audio application like freeebirth. May be I've to reinstall a ubuntu linux ditribution and install pure data from internet, the newest stable version. So which version is OK? -
I'm not sure to understand, but ifthe question is to have a sound synthesis like a string or a tube, you have to check the percolate library. It is just what you want.