• geraeuschtest

    i got myself an old elo serial touchscreen controller. after 3days of intense try and error i got it to work great on one screen of the xinerama desktop.
    i fiddled around with themes for the windowmanager. i am able to change the size of the titlebar and the buttons. the scrrollbars in the pd windows remain as they are. where can i change the width of those?
    they are too narrow for the touchscreen controller.
    is there f.e. some conf.d directory in pd where such things could go in?
    within pd i use the knob object. i noticed that it reacts only on vertical movement.
    like a slider of the same hight.
    is it possible to use other directions on the screen for controls? like realy round shape, diagonal or other movements?
    i use pd 0.43.4-extended-20121130 on an X61 with debian testing.

    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more
  • geraeuschtest

    it gets stuck with:
    watchdog: signaling pd...
    watchdog: signaling pd...
    watchdog: signaling pd...
    WARNING: connect to pd failed, retrying port localhost:5400.

    i removed/renewed ~/.pdsettings
    i reinstalled
    tried sudo
    where else to look?
    i use debian

    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • geraeuschtest

    i want to setup my computer (older intelmac) as audio processor without screen and keyboard. i use pd -nogui. it somehow works.
    the actual patch contains fdn~. weird is if i start fdn with gui everything is normal f.e. 64 delay lines and buffersize 40000 samples. with the -nogui options by some reason the creation arguments get ignored and set to something like 65536 and it complaines about not enough delay memory.

    it seems to me with -nogui another version of fdn gets loaded...
    however the mac under osx starts without any change besides enable remote login also without monitor. i guess it still computes the graphics then. then the patch functions normal. this is not the solution i am looking for. i want it to start properly without guy and also under linux.


    posted in technical issues 14 years agoread more
  • geraeuschtest

    i am trying to build something which can play spontaneous selections of a soundfile.
    with a short sound file it works. from a certain file lenghts it seems only to play from the start of the selection to the end. i don't want to cut the files before. a 5 min files should be possible.
    i used -maxsize -resize. sometimes there is a error " $2 argument out of range"


    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • geraeuschtest

    i use two different fdn~ based patches.
    if i make extended use of them the computer starts crackling after a while. than pd dsp goes off for a moment.. as work around i build a mechanism that periodically clicks the reset input of fdn~.
    sort of works now...but..
    how big should the memory allocation for each fdn~ object be?
    unclear to me is if it should be very big like 80000msor even bigger?
    is it the fdn memory itself that gets overloaded because it is too small or the memory or cpu of the computer (total2gb, 2x16ghz) to realize this?

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • geraeuschtest

    i copied this patch to play samples and be able to change the pitch from somewhere...not sure from where it was...
    i always get this errors.
    can somebody help me to understand what is wrong and how to fix?

    error: tabread4~: no method for 'bang'
    error: line~: no method for 'bang'
    error: line~: no method for 'set'


    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • geraeuschtest

    if i open a patch and subpatches i have made i always have to scroll up a big amount to see things.
    is there a way to avoid that? it doesn't happen not in all subpatch windows.

    posted in technical issues 15 years agoread more
  • geraeuschtest

    what do those mean?

    error: tabread4~: no method for 'bang'
    error: line~: no method for 'table...'
    error: delay: no method for 'set'
    error: knob: no method for 'set1'


    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • geraeuschtest

    i want to do the following:
    while a tempo is running i want to hit a rythmic phrase on a key of the computer.
    that phrase shall be recorded over a lets say 12 or 16 or notes long bar to and immediatly being played back afterwards.
    how could i start this?

    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more
  • geraeuschtest

    i want to do the following:

    1. have the computer starting up with a pd patch with all settings.
    so far no problem but...
    i use the keyboard with all keys as controller. only if i have the gui on and the mouse in the patch the keyboard is connect.
    how can get this connection without a gui or without a monitor?

    2. i want to run all audio on one computer an all graphic on an other machine.
    preferable audio on a mac with osx and the graphic on a debian based linux pc.
    i don´t want to use vnc. if i remote login (ssh -Y) on the mac from linux and start the gui the patch opens on the mac. if i do that with two linux machines the gui opens on the pc where i start ssh. i want to realize the connection like this.

    3. not totally pd related but...
    does somebody know how to activate the audio input in ad1882 c2duo running the latest linux kernel with all realtime settings done. it is possible to route the audio from input to output but not into puredata. also in qjackclt it show always only two inputs which don´t react on any connection.

    nice evenings


    posted in technical issues 16 years agoread more

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