Hello everyone,
I use Pd almost always with multiple MIDI devices in my OSX. So I want to get the right way to start Pd with some flags.
If I give the following command:/Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/MacOS/Pd-extended -midiindev 1,2,3,4
I get the following feedback:
david$ /Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/MacOS/Pd-extended -midiindev 1,2,3,4
tk scaling is 1.0
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
connecting stream socket: Invalid argument (22)Is this the right way?
Thanks in advance -
I hope there is something better than the TR909 thing I checked ... years ago, and both communities (of Processing and Pd) have moved on
Hi wiccy,
did you look at the pd-tutorial.com ?
The " Even / odd partials" sub-folder explains [wrap~] object really well -
Thanks Maelstorm,
you are keeping this forum alive! -
Hi cyberbob,
I don't know if I can surely understand your question.
Would this be helpful?[toggle]
[moses 0.5]
| |
[bang( [bang(With this, what you have is when toggle's value becomes 0 (zero) left bang is triggered. If the value becomes 1, right bang is triggered.
After each bang you just throw in what you have in mind to be triggered. -
in moses you just put a value. Then when "numbers" coming in LEFT INLET are smaller than this value-> they are output from the LEFT OUTPUT. If bigger or equal, you get them from the RIGHT output.
It's like ">"You have probably to search all over this forum and you 'll get enough links with tutorials for beginners.
Good luck! -
Hi Flipp,
The build farm you are looking to is for Pd-extended and not the Vanilla.http://puredata.info/community/projects/software/pure-data
Here is the Pd Vanilla which was uploaded lately and it's in 0.43. For me (on Mac) IS NOT usable though. The sound doesn't work, so it's obviously buggy at the moment.
It worked, thank you much although I feel a bit silly -
Thanks for the answer Maelstorm but I always had problems with the Startup options.
I have tried to make a new entry with the startup command:
"-listdev -midiindev 1,2,3,4 -nomidiout"
"pd -listdev -midiindev 1,2,3,4 -nomidiout"but when Pd-extended starts says: "-listdev -midiindev 1,2,3,4 -nomidiout: can't load library" in the console and of course nothing happens from these flags.
Thanks in advance -
you can obviously be more accurate in decimal values choosing [random 2000] and [/ 1000]
Hi az, check:
[random 200]
[/ 100]
[- 1]
[outlet]So you 've got initially some random values between [0, 200] .Dividing with 100 these values are forced to be between [0, 2] and subracting 1 , you are in [-1, 1]
I know it's an old post but here are my two cents.
I found a blog post the other day and it will be very helpful for future usehttp://barangulesen.blogspot.com/2010/11/connect-2-computer-with-puredata.html
There is a tiny patch to show you how you can connect two computers with OSC
Hi reed,
You have to go to Browser which you can find in Help menu.For Pd-Vanilla there are under 0_Pd/ section
For Pd-extended there are under Pure Data/ -
Hi ryktnk,
there is a really helpful guide in http://en.flossmanuals.net/PureData/FrequencyModulation
If you are a PD starter, you have to keep this manual
Search also other suggestions for newbies in the forum -
Thanks for your posts.
All of them are really helpful and informative!(reposted this in my tumblr: http://tinyurl.com/2wvgcqm
no spam - these are just my online bookmarks not a real blog)