• funk0

    When I started using Reactivision, I really wanted to control Native Instruments Reaktor 5 with OSC but the messages weren't "simple" enough for Reaktor.

    So I tweaked the TUIO client patch, for it to route simple OSC messages to reaktor.

    I'm new to Pd so it might not be as perfect as you would expect.... but it works !

    Instructions :
    Open reactivision
    Open the pd patch
    Make sure you are receiving the TUIO messages ( the bang next to "TUIO client" will blink)

    Start Reaktor
    Stop the audio engine
    System menu > OSC settings > click Activate
    Make sure port 10000 is chosen as the local port
    Start the audio engine

    Go back to the pd patch and change the IP address in the bottom left "connect" box
    click connect
    go back to Reaktor, System > OSC settings. The OSC monitor should now receive OSC messages.


    posted in patch~ read more
  • funk0

    dont forget to put the tuio client dll or library into the same folder as the patch

    posted in patch~ read more
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