@willblackhurst love this, great work. The problem I have is that I haven't found a way to install GEM 64 bit on my Macs since High Sierra.
Have been working on this synthesis/processing environment for a private client.
it emulates a dial-up modem from the 1990s, which serialises and transmits audio data but instead of sending data to another modem it sends the data to the local DAC. You feed it audio loops and it spits out modem gurgles. It creates some interesting "ethnic" like loops and uses the Monome grid and arc together with a MIDI cc controller for live performance. You can see the desktop editor and sound quality here:
and the controller here:
Im late to the party. But for all it's sins Bob~ retains very clear transients, something that real analogue filters do very well too. Horses for Courses. I abso love the filter implementations above and they sound great in context, but this week trying them as a sub for bob~ in a fast transient environment, they smudged every thing thrown at them. Sure Bob~ sounds thinner but I found it more musically useful in fast percussive situations. Also has better pronounced resonance. It depends on the musical context. I love the Matrix 12 filter implentation, mind blowingly good. Now me thinks, with the wonderful wizardry displayed in the above filters has anyone attempted somethin in the class of the Pultec EPQ-1. By listening to the examples above, Im sure it could be done
@ricky I meant going to the right inlets of the objects below
@ricky I couldn't quite work it out at first but realised the diagonals are the connections from the right outlets. I couldn;t quite get the last expr~ to work but multiplying the output by 4 after that sorted it. Maybe someone can make this more elegant than me.bit_Crusher.pd