There are deken packages for MacOSX, Windows and three Linux variants. The version is V1.2.2. Alternately you can download it from http://puredata.info/Members/fjkraan/software/freeverb~/1.2.2/
The Mac version shows up as:
freeverb~-v1.2.2-(Darwin-ppc-32)(Darwin-i386-32)(Darwin-X86_64-32)(Sources)-externals.tgz -
Hi All,
Some days ago I created a new version of Freeverb~ as a deken package. Apart from fixing a minor bug, I added the option to route the first delayed signal through the filter section. The default was to filter only the second and later delayed signals.
This changes the character of the signal, specially for high 'wet' settings. Naively one would expect all delayed (=reflected) signals to be filtered, but Freeverb~ isn't routed this way.
I am interested on opinions on this. It is available as freeverb~ v1.2.2 deken package for the usual platforms. Send the [firstpassfilter 1( message to enable the alternate routing.
Fred Jan
@whale-av; Hi David,
No there is no real limit in the code, other than what Pd is allowed to claim from the OS. And twenty seconds works for me with your patch, but it strains my attention span
. 20 seconds is very long in 'click-and response-time'.
Fred Jan
Here the latest delay~-help.pd help patch.
If there are more remarks on cyclone help-patches, I would happy to consider them. After all, Pure Data is a community driven project!
Fred Jan
Thank you for your comments. I will look at the [delay~] help patch again.
As I found out several times, the objects in Max5 and cyclone do not appear to be very consistently designed, and there is not much you can do to fix this in the help patches. But for [delay~] this should be possible.
Fred Jan
It might be that the help patch is wrong. This delay~-help.pd might explain better how [delay~] works.
Fred Jan
In the iem/iem_dp library are objects for this. The bad news is that you have to compile it yourself, as it isn't in Pd-extended.
Fred Jan
Your system volume is probably Pulse audio. which is disabled by Pd. Install alsamixer (alsa-utils).
Greetings & success,
Fred Jan
@sebpiq said:
[coll] is more of a list really. Indexes are Integers. I have indexes that are symbols. and I want to associate them with other symbols.
[coll] is actually an associative array and can associate symbols with symbols. Yo can use it with floats as indices, and some messages give the impression it is an array. The help-patch is very confusing in this. I tried to make an improved version: http://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/digaud/puredata/cyclone/help-patches/coll-help.pd
Sorry, should be: http://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/digaud/puredata/cyclone/cycloneToDo.html. Btw, the list is merely an inventory and overview of issues. Sourceforge has good facilities to report bugs and submit patches. I will use those.
Currently I am making an inventory of issues with objects in the cyclone library. While updating the help-patches and from the pd-list, I got something to start with.
A list can be found here: http://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/digaud/puredata/cyclone/cycloneToDo.html. If anyone has additional issues, I am happy to add them and hope to fix them in the near future.The updated help-patches are here: http://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/digaud/puredata/cyclone/help-patches/
Fred Jan
@seb-harmonik.ar said:
@electrickery did you mean the messages weren't implemented in the pd-object?
Yes, sorry. The messages were never part of the Pd-object. They should have been, as it is intended as a clone of the Max/MSP object.
Line~ is designed to be a clone of the Max/MSP object line~. The messages stop, pause and resume were never implemented in the pd-object Line~. Someone probably copied the information from the Max documentation.
But it isn't that hard to add these messages and get them working. It works in my test environment (Linux 32-bit).
Fred Jan
Edit: added the crucial 'never'
The Reply button doesn't work when I use FireFox (32.0.3, Xubuntu 12.04). It could be related to blockers that I have running, as Chromium does allow me to reply.
Fred Jan
Pd-l2Ork is based on Pd 0.42. The plugin functionality was added in Pd-extended 0.43.
There appears to be a binary compatibility issue with Pd-l2Ork, so Pd-extended objects have to be recompiled for Pd-l2Ork.Fred Jan
For an other project I had the same problem. I solved it by cheating a bit and create an object with Tcl code using TclPd:
http://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/digaud/puredata/tclPd/countingAveragerTcl.tclThe help patch is here: http://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/digaud/puredata/tclPd/countingAveragerTcl-help.pd
For performance comparison I also recreated it as a Pd patch. I remember the latter was more efficient (most functionality in c-coded objects).
http://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/digaud/puredata/tclPd/countingAveragerPd.pdFred Jan
In constrast with Pure Data, Tcl can do things with lists quite simple.
This is more a demonstration of what can be done with lists in Tcl than a real arpeggiator. It accepts midi and float lists with key and velocity. It plays the notes in the order of arrival, removing (velocity = 0) and appending (velocity > 0) on the fly.
Fun to make and a nice demonstration of various tclpd features. More info on tclpd at http://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/digaud/puredata/tclPd/
Fred Jan
In constrast with Pure Data, Tcl can do things with lists quite simple.
This is more a demonstration of what can be done with lists in Tcl than a real arpeggiator. It accepts midi and float lists with key and velocity. It plays the notes in the order of arrival, removing (velocity = 0) and appending (velocity > 0) on the fly.
Fun to make and a nice demonstration of various tclpd features. More info on tclpd at http://fjkraan.home.xs4all.nl/digaud/puredata/tclPd/
Fred Jan
Recently I added some Tcl objects to the forum, and what I learned from the original examples in pd-extended and writing my own, I tried to condense to this small tutorial:
Fred Jan
A short while ago for a Pure Data project I thought I needed a "counting
averager" function, which calculates the average of a variable number of
values. It is probably what wikipedia calls a "cumulative moving average".Eventually after many attempts, I succeeded implementing it in a patch.
But I realised a pd patch is not optimal for this type of calculation,
and now knowing how it works, I reimplemented it as a Tcl script.And indeed the tcl script looks less complicated than the patch. It is
probable more accurate than the patch, but also considerable slower.Tcl is a good match for list and text type operations where Pd gets
clunky. It can fill the gap between patch and c-external.The zip includes the tcl script, the patch and a help file which is more
a simple test patch. It requires tclpd.tcl which is included in
pd-extended 0.44.Enjoy,
Fred Jan