• dang

    I am trying to use a [loadbang] to render an image automatically on startup. The problem I am having is that [pix-image] can't find the path to the image file on the hard drive, I get a blank screen in the GEM window and the message;

    error: GemImageLoad: Unable to find file: (path).

    If I use [openpanel] to direct the path, everything works fine but I'd like to feed the path to [pix-image] directly without having to take the intermediate step of the [openpanel]. I've tried using [openpanel] to set a message box with the path, and I've tried to use it create a symbol of the path, connecting both to the inlet of [pix-image] but even though at start up the text of the path shows up in the message and/or symbol and i bang it as part of a trigger sequence I get a blank screen and the error message unless I re-establish the path using [openpanel].

    Any ideas?
    patch attached.



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  • dang

    What's the best way to control the speed of playback from a soundfile? I want to have two channels of the same soundfile, one playing slightly slower than the other so that they get increasingly out of synch.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • dang

    Is there a reason that I am missing that would explain why my [menubar 0< message to [gemwin] will sometimes work and sometimes not? It seems like, with no changes to the patch, about half the time I open it there's a menubar in the window (fullscreen 1) and half the time there's not. When I use fullscreen 2 and use my second monitor I have no troubles.

    Also, sometimes (not every time) when I create a fullscreen 1 gem window the command + tab trick won't work and I can't get back to the Pd extended window to destroy the window as I have also turned off the cursor.

    Patch is attached with the loadbang removed so you can see the code more easily.

    Many thanks!



    posted in pixel# read more
  • dang

    What is the proper syntax to use within the [open <filename>( message to load a clip to [pix_film] if I don't want to use the [openpanel] object? Openpanel works great but I am not always going to be there to turn this video installation on so I'd like [pix_film] to find the clip on a [loadbang]. I have tried all the wordings I can think of to direct the message to the file but I get error messages that look like the following:

    error: [pix_filmDarwin]: unable to find file: ÿ&#65471;àÔÿ&#65471;Õÿ&#65471;&#65464;Ôÿ&#65471;3


    error: [pix_filmDarwin]: unable to find file: ÿ&#65471;&#65467;
    ... you might be able to track this down from the Find menu.

    the patch as it now stands is attached...


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  • dang

    Using the attached patch, I get a smallish square situated in the middle of the GEM window at about 45 deg. on the X axis. I can't figure out why it should be there or how to get rid of it. Any advice will be appreciated.


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  • dang

    Thanks sonsofsol, I tried variations on those but they still didn't work. However, I got it going with images on the desktop (shorter paths) and using file names that have no spaces.

    Thanks again!


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  • dang

    Thanks Maelstorm, I'll give that a try and let you know.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • dang

    I added [border 0< in addition to [menubar 0< and it seems to be working as intended. Thanks!


    posted in pixel# read more
  • dang

    Oooh, that's a good one. Thanks!

    Any ideas on the menubar problem? An additional note, it is the PD-extended menu bar at the top of the gem window, not the simpler PD menubar that I would expect.

    Thanks again for the tip Pulsed.; I used 53 (esc key) so that it would be easy to remember what to press while the gemwin is open. I determined the key number by attaching an atom (number box) to the output of [gemkeyboard] to tell me what number matched what key. Question; why are they different from the regular ascii numbers?


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  • dang

    I'll try again. Rather than type the path into [open( I copied and pasted it from the PD main window where it loaded from [openpanel] so I'd think the path and filename would be right. I must have a space or typo or something in there somewhere I guess.

    posted in pixel# read more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!