Hello i am new in pure data, i just know the basics, i decided to begin with fm synthesis, i have just made a fm synth that i saw in a youtube link from a guy with the name of Dr. Rafael Hernandez. I want to add more things to this synth but i dont know what things would go first? for example i can add an ADSR amp envelope or put some filters or what i should add first? i'm lost and a little frustrated, i dont know where to start.
what about you guys? when you make a synth in what order you add things to it ?
i recently upgrade my video mixer and now it look better!
you guys know how to add audio capabilities to the project...? there is no sound in my project and i need to develop some audio function to the video mixer? some idea how?
here is my pd
i am free to hear some advicesthank you
Hello! i am new pure data user, this is my first proyect so i dont have skills at all...
I want to make a simple proyect but a little more complex than simple , so i decided to make a 2 channels video mixer based on a youtube tutorial... but i want to add some manipulator objects for each channel or for the mix of both channel for example RGB, light , cool effects
but i cant get it, i dont know where to start.
edited: i want to use this effects http://en.flossmanuals.net/PureData/GEMPixEffects but pd extended crashed i am doing something wrong
if you download my pd you will see a colorRGB object but i dont think is donne correctly
A friend helped me with this and now i have polyphonic synth check it out
but ADSR envelope is not working as well as the initial pd project i posted before this one
any idea why ?
Hello! finally i dont know how i made it but finally i made the ADSR envelope...i will attach the patch here, any more ideas?
i did something but colorrgb is applying for the mix and i cant get it work for only 1 channel
here my pd
you mean Color_RGB to a pix_texture, pix_texture to pix_film and pix film is going to pix_mix ?