I'd like to import midi files that i make in a sequencer into PD. I've found a few ways to convert midi files to text on windows but was wondering if anyone here has a better solution (i work in osx)...Or if theres already something in the extended versions that can do it?
I'd like to be able to add comments to events being triggered. My event triggers are numbers (36,37,38) and the current solution is reading these and using a [sel 36 37 38] object triggering messages into a symbol box.
Is there a better way to approach this? I've been reading up on the [textfile] object but it appears only to be able to rewind. i need to be able to jump around to different positions.
I'm a bit of a monkey. Not much of a mathematician.
This is something i've been wrestling with for a while and now i've managed to get it to work, but i'm not sure if it should.
I wondering what y'all think and if there are better ways to do this. I'm pretty sure there are.
I work with remote controlled cameras (http://www.egripment.com/en/ProductInfo.asp?ID=109) and was wondering if anyone knows if its possible to format messages in RS422 form the windows version of PD using the "serial" object.(i use osx but would consider getting an old pc if its possible)
Its a long shot i know..
Hi there,
I'm new to this and doing a lot of stuff the hard way i presume.
Is there a quick way to rename multiple objects or add to names of selections?
For example i have 16 objects called "note" and i want to quickly call them all "noteA"
or better yet, add "A" to the end of all selected.regards,
12ms on a 15" 1.5GHZ PPC(10.4.8) running PD 39.2T7 which is triggering (occaisonal 2-3 minute) stereo audio files and passing midi to a VJ application(quicktime movies 640*480 Sorenson 25 fps, no effects), svhs PAL out(640*480 out via VGA during performance) all media running off a RAM-disk.
I'll take it up to 20 to be safe for performance.
that [msgfile] appears to do what i need, thanks!
I'll look into reformatting my events aswell.
As far as i know the only midi objects currently working in the osx build are [noteout] and [ctlout]
No worries! Thanks for coming over.
I'll keep an eye on mediamatic. Hopefully there will be more workshops like these in the future.
I think i get the "order of execution" now.
Although i understand its flaw, i've attempted to rebuild my patch with correct execution order.Next up is trying to figure out the S = R+(1+(n-1)) in Clauds patch.
Do you think this would be able to do it?
Using the [midiout] object in linux and the box would convert to RS422? (with a midi to dmx converter thrown in for free)
thanks, i'll try and get my head around it tonight.
have you tried the extended release?
I had a few problems too untill i moved the prefs file from root to user or the other way round. -
If your on osx try right clicking on empty space in a window and choosing help.
Then from that list right-click and help again on an object for more info.I don't know if these are all of them, but its definately more than i'm currently using..