the congas are samples
the latest version of my xenharmonic synthesizer and fractal music
sequencer is here of the more recent recordings from it as well as a good old fashioned
hillbilly lovesong with fretless banjo,guitar, and fiddle can be heard here!
it would be nice to know what part of my synth is eating up the cpu
so I can fix it -
not shareable yet still workin out a few bugs left in from development and got 6 parameters to add to preset for the karplus strong string sim i added in at the last minute but i think it fits what i had in mind, it's been a long road and probably spurs from ideas i had as a teenager some 25 odd years ago like wondering how to tap my guitar signal into the yamaha dx7 for some fm feedback haha.
here is for a listen of the current state of the synth
enjoy some of it is playing on the keyboard and some is sequenced with my fractal sequencer.
Some of my numberboxes have # instead of $ in them. I clearly type in $ and upon reopening the $ has been replaced with #. What does this mean?
i've run out of space to upload tracks. you will need firefox or safari to listen. its all pure data.
Aliasacid Aliceosceses Hetero Hoedown -
let me know if you run it I want to hear your fractal music.
Billy -
This is a rough recording of controlling the Bristol synth emulator with my fractal sequencer pd patch. I used 2 moog minis 1 for bass 1 for snare and the melodies go to an arp2600 and C64Sid.
Audio was routed back to pure data and ran through my stereo delay.
I could not get Bristol to show up in jack alsa connections till I saved the startBristol command line as an executeable shekk script and ran not in terminal. -
Here's a youtube video of some of my fractal music
. to hear more click on my name and check out the burningship vids. all were done with pd and zynaddsubfx.I uploaded my fractal music maker patch if u get the time to try it out, it just outputs midi, the bpm control is global and works for syncing if u want to chain from a recorder, i use the 2 outers as drums and u dont get no sound till u hit start and select channels and toggle the rests - all 3 equals no rest(markov) if u turn on the room and go in(pd room) hit ctrl e to drag c around or whatever edit mode is on your machine.. oh yeah the most recent is fractalmusic.pd except i have one that works with udp and a javascript fractal i'm still working on zooming and switching fractals. julia is not julia yet but bshipx and bshipy are.
oh yeah underneath start are 2 thingamjigs that send metro , the left is for everything but the far right dmachine. the right is for dmachine(unselsect the 2 yellow toggles above dmachine to turn it off all the way) u can send the 4 channels out to your hardware synths. I wouldn't mess with the dmachine at first till you get everything going, I don't like it with this stuff anyways but it's there.
why is it that I tried to keep my abstractions output in te right left order when they work fine outputting on any?