• bardassi

    Im new to pd, and trying to build a basic interface for Control (Android), to receive clips/channels/scenes names from LiveOSC and Im having a bit of troubles with puredata.
    Its working a bit random, most times like 2 or 3 clips from the last channel dont update and gives: "error: unpack: type mismatch", but sometimes it works.
    Another dificulty Im having is the clips without names or where there is no clip, it is getting removed from the list and causing a lot of troubles in the order of names sent to the android tablet.
    When i move up/down in the main navigation control, i get this messages from Live:

    print: /live/name/trackblock teste 2-MIDI 3-MIDI 4-MIDI 5-MIDI 6-MIDI 7-MIDI 8-MIDI
    print: /live/name/sceneblock 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    print: /live/name/clipblock A3 A4 A5 A6
    print: /live/name/clipblock A7 A8 A9 A10
    print: /live/name/clipblock B3 B5 B6
    print: /live/name/clipblock B7 B8 B9 B10
    print: /live/name/clipblock C3 C5 C6
    print: /live/name/clipblock C7 C8 C9 C10
    print: /live/name/clipblock D3 D5 D6
    print: /live/name/clipblock D7 D8 D9 D10
    print: /live/name/clipblock E3 E5 E6
    print: /live/name/clipblock jdkfajbh E8 E9 E10
    print: /live/name/clipblock F3 F5 F6
    print: /live/name/clipblock F7 F8 F9 F10
    print: /live/name/clipblock G3 G5 G6
    print: /live/name/clipblock G7 G8 G9 G10
    print: /live/name/clipblock H3 H5 H6
    print: /live/name/clipblock H7 H8 H9 H10
    error: unpack: type mismatch

    Notice the error, it means 1 clip wasnt updated.
    And also, there's a additional space where we got no clip, is there a way to transform it to a char "x" or something so it can be read when i send the messages to tablet? Im having nightmares with this little boxes, please helpme!
    also here is the interface used in Control to receive the data;

    ok, I've found a way that would be easyer but I need help with variables, I'll try to be more specific:
    I can receive a list of messages of all data from ableton, if I ask it once and keep everything stored in PD wold be a lot better as im having some lag problems communicating with ableton, so after the firsts routings I get a list of messages like:

    7 40 H10 1.09276e+007
    7 41 H11 3.94758e+007
    wich means:
    x, y, name, color + "e+007"

    now, how can I store all the data received? I've read something about tables but still dont understand it at all, also having a lot of pain with list.
    when a navigation button is pushed, I'll update the x/y variables for the 64 clips i need:

    [r x;r y]
    | |
    [expr f;f+1=f1;f+2.....f+7][expr f;f+1;f+2.....f+7]
    lots of wires

    so when the x or y changes, i want to read the data stored and route the variables x/y, is there a way to read this variables from route like a right inlet? like:

    [route x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7]
    | | | | | | | |
    [route y y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7] (8 times, one for each x?)

    after that i'll unpack the remaining, convert the color to html and send it with the nanes to Control via OSC, also i cant loose the spaces on this data travel and need to convert them to something like "o", but im really stuck for days on it. also, is there any translation for this kind of color or i'll need to do it manually?
    sorry for the bad english.
    thank you very much!


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  • bardassi

    im receiving osc messages from LiveOSC like;

    /live/name/track 0 channel1name
    /live/name/track 1 channel2name

    how can i deal with the channel number with routeOSC? I've tryed:

    routeOSC /live
    routeOSC /name
    routeOSC /track
    routeOSC /0 /1 /2

    everything works fine till the /track, so the last one send the #chnumber as garbage and the channelname is lost. what am I doing wrong?
    the file is attached


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  • bardassi

    Im just starting with PD, for now im working in a interface for Control (android) to control ableton, like a custom LiveControl, TouchAble, etc.
    I got the OSC/Midi translations to work for input/output, all fine, but now im stuck how to get the visual stuff that ableton send back to some controllers like mackie control and remote SL, i mean channels and parameter names, with livecontrol and touchable you can even get the clips names and collors, how can i receive it in PD? wich kind of information is that, sysex? how can i deal with it before send to Control?
    The normal midi stuff is sent/received fine, i wanna go deeper and work with something like a mackie emulation.
    thanks in advance

    Leonardo Bardassi

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  • bardassi

    awesome!! thanks!

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  • bardassi

    When i click the 2500 msg, indicated by "start here", PD starts opening and closing windows and freeze. am i doing something wrong? im using windows7 64, pd-extended.

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  • bardassi

    no, i cant :(
    error: gatom: no method for 'channelname'

    edit: oh sorry, it works!

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  • bardassi

    oh i just found the solution;
    It works! Puredata receives every information from ableton in osc, including track and clip names, instant map parameters, etc. Also can control everything in ableton sending OSC messages.
    Sorry for the useless topic, maybe it can also be usefull for someone else.

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