Hi, every time I press the switch DSP on in the test patch Pd crashes. In the debugger it says 'resizebytes() failed -- out of memory' when the patch is loaded up which may be a cause?
As the title suggests I am having trouble getting the 'iemlib' library compiled. It doesn't show up using the deken search tool so I am attempting to install and compile it from source. i am using pd-0.50-2..
I followed the README_lin.txt instructions in the iemlib folder but when asked to add the library to the .pdrc or pd_start_script I couldn't locate either of those files so I included the path to the library in the pd drop down preferences menu instead.
However whenever I try to create the 'soundfile_info' object (the one from the iemlib I am interested in) it just says 'couldn't create' in the terminal.
Although I have limited knowledge of navigating the linux terminal I have done all the steps in the README_lin.txt apart from the above mentioned correctly, and have also tried compiling through pdlibbuilder with no success.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.