I know a post already exists about this but it's a little old. Does there exist a PD equivalent to Max's matrixctrl? It's basically a 2D array of toggle boxes and something I miss from my Max days (it's sort of a pain to create 32 toggle boxes and hook them up). If not, are there good resources on coding GUI externals? I know of IOhannes's PD external how-to but it only covers control and audio externals without touching on custom GUI elements. Thanks!
Yep, we have [matrixctrl] by the iematrix library.
Sorry, my mistake: while the matrix handling is done by iematrix, which comes with pd-extended, the GUI object I am using is part of an external library named jmmmp. Here is the link: https://puredata.info/downloads/jmmmp
(one more correction: actually jmmmp does come with pd-extended, but an older version of it which does not contain the object in question)
cool, thanks! i'll check it out.
@gsagostino what is the name of the object in question that is like matrixctrl? I can't seem to find it in the jmmmp library.
@nicnut the name is exactly [matrixctrl], but as I wrote in the first reply, it seems this object does not come with pd-extended for some reason. But to download, use the link I gave above (https://puredata.info/downloads/jmmmp) and click on "Get jmmmp for All platforms (Source code)", unpack it and add it to your Pd path, and that should be it. Cheers!