Hi everyone!
I'm trying to work with Tuio messages on CCV. I've always used Windows 7 to do it with pd but this time i want to use Ubuntu. The problem is that i'm just starting to learn how to work with Linux so i'm a little noob right there.
I've downloaded the Tuio Client but when i open the examples inside the folder, pd doesn't recognize it.
I think it has something wrong with the TuioClient.dll.
Can be that?
Thank you for your help!
Pd isn't recognizing TuioClient on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Hi Kevzog and welcome to this forum,
is an Windows external, for Linux you should haveTuioClient.pd_linux
(and for MacTuioClient.pd_darwin
). Are you sure you have the right external on your path?Cheers,
Gilberto -
@gsagostinho Thanks for the welcome!
When i saw the folder i downloaded, it only appears the TuioClient.dll and TuioClient.pd_darwin but not the linux one!
I forgot to say that i'm working on 64 bits Ubuntu. Can it be that?
i found the file in another patch on the internet, the problem now is that in the console pd throw me this:
/home/kevzog/Downloads/TUIO11_PureData/TuioClient.pd_linux: /home/kevzog/Downloads/TUIO11_PureData/TuioClient.pd_linux: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
any ideas?
When you try to load some external and you get the error message
wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
, it means that external is 32-bit only and cannot be loaded on your 64-bit Pd. The solution is to either find a 64-bit version of the external to be downloaded, or try to find the source code and compile it yourself.About the [TuioClient], I don't remember if I had to compile it myself or not, but here is the 64-bit external for Linux: TuioClient.pd_linux
Hope this helps. Cheers!
Gilberto -
@gsagostinho oh, only in 32-bit? That's a pity.
Well, thank you anyway! -
@Kevzog No, I meant that the external you had previously downloaded was 32-bit only and that's the reason you got that error message. The external I uploaded in my previous post does work with the 64-bit version of Pd and so should work fine on your computer. Give it a try and let me know. Also, I rewrote my last post to make it clearer.
@gsagostinho oh, i see...
It's working now! Thank you so much!