What's the name of the object which controll the "graphic tablets" (?) like wacom tablets? And where can I find it?
Wacom in pd
What's the name of the object which controll the "graphic tablets" (?) like wacom tablets? And where can I find it?
[hid] maybe ?
Use the Source.
@obiwannabe said:
[hid] maybe ?
I used with success the "linuxevent" with my tablet, and I got x-y position and pen pressure
Recently, I tried to install PureData and I could not install "linuxevent"
- but I think that HID object is more update... however, I don't know how to use It, since the is no help file
Anyone knows how to use HID object?? - thank you.
My project where I use my tablet:
Hi, i tryng to work with wacom bamboo pen in Ubuntu Studio 10.04 lucid Lynx,i'm not very expert but i want to try and to learn, i've install the driver for wacom, and it work with linux, but [hid] object don't see nothing, he see only 3 things
Device 10: 'HDA Intel Mic at Ext Left Jack' on '/dev/input/event10'
Device 11: 'HDA Intel HP Out at Ext Left Jack' on '/dev/input/event11'
Device 12: 'HDA Intel HP Out at Ext Left Jack' on '/dev/input/event12'
, but not the muose etc...
I dont know how to use linuxevent... but i think that if [hid] dont see wacom, linux event too...
I have to change something in the config file like xorg.conf.d/10-wacom.conf or another one? and what?
So, someone can help me?
sorry for poor english.. ehehe
I don't remember where I got this,.. but the attachment works for a Wacom in Windows.
Make sure to have a trackpad or mouse to exit.
Good luck, and keep well ~ Shankar
thank you! But there is no way to make it work with linux?!
ohohoh i've just tried wintablet in windows fantastic!!! eheheh it works very well!
i cant believe that in linux there isnt nothing like this...
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!