ist it possible to have a timer or counter etc. with a higher resolution than 1ms in vanilla?
Higher resolution than 1ms possible?
ist it possible to have a timer or counter etc. with a higher resolution than 1ms in vanilla?
yeah, it's possible, but not with [metro]. You can use [del 0.5] looped back to trigger itself (via [spigot] if you want to turn it on/off)
However, what are you trying to do? Most of the audio signals only update from messages every block, so if you are trying to turn control messages into audio signal, you won't get higher resolution than normal block size anyway (~1.4ms). An exception is [vline~], so you might have some success with going via that.
The problem is that things start to get very inefficient and you'll burn up a lot of CPU by doing that.
What are you trying to achieve? With a bit of lateral thinking, and good understanding of the various audio objects, you can usually accomplish what you aim without using very fast control messages.
i's like to have a bpm metro but with 1ms it is (theoretical) not correct
e.g. 133bpm = 451.278..... ms
also i's like to start readsf~ on a time based on bpm
so del takes floats? great
Cheetomoskeeto on YouTube makes a BPM metro. Think it's this video:
;yes, there you can see that the decimals are dropped
so e.g. 133bpm would be 451ms instead of 451.278... ms
but maybe this is too theoretical
metros can take float values as tempo, and are (i think at least)
sample-accurate. a [metro 500] and [metro 500.333] start to drift,
two [metro 500.333] not. it can not go faster than 1 ms though.
you could also use [bang~] and do your calculations at samplerate
or below. (within blocks >=64 samples though...)
great, thanks
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