Think this: you have a Vslider from 0 to 127. This same slider will control different effects, depend on what you choose. But, you don't want (or can't) use a 0 to 127 value. Instead of that, you need 0 to 1, 0 to 64, -128 to 128, 1 to -1, etc. So, instead of make manually a linear equation, you can use this abstract.

Thanks to Hodapp, from #dataflow, who helped me to build it.

You create the abstraction as [lin-eq-conv x0 x1 y0 y1].X are values from a Vslider (for example, as I use it): 0 to 127. And Y are what you want to convert to, for example 1 to 0.5. Also, you can use two abstracts to control different stuff at the same time.

[lin-eq-conv 0 127 1 0.5]

LAST EDIT: I discovered that the previous file needed 3 trigger objects more to work well!!! (it had issues with some ranges). Also, it has a incorrect range detector (x0 = x1, for example).

Now, I upload the correct file and its help file.