hi all,
i was wondering if anyone has advice/comments/questions on the following.
i am working on a that patch is set up with my synthesis/sampling algorithms nested in subpatches. i control them using 'command lines'. for example, to play a sample named x-sample, at pitch y and amplitude z, (x, y, and z being numerical parameters), i send a message such as [ ; sampler play x y z (. in the sampling subpatch, a recieve named sampler 'routes' the message and sends the parameters to the playback algorithm.
because the nature of my project will involve looping sequences of these 'command lines' i am working on an abstraction that takes creation arguments and loops whatever parameter accordingly. for the looping abstractions, i would like to use a similar message oriented command line interface, but i would also like to be able to use more that one instance of the looping abstraction at a time to sequence and loop various parameters at different phases.
how can i avoid jumbling up my 'command lines'--the abstractions will receive the messages and not understand to which loop or sequence the message corresponds. is there a way to assign each instance of an abstraction a unique handle or signature and then filter messages accordingly?
any discussion on such issues would be appreciated. i am open to help/suggestions/comments/criticism. thanks!
'instance handles' for abstractions
what was the solution you came up with?
as far as i can tell from your post, what you want is for some commands to go to some versions of the abstarction, but not others, right?
if it were me, i'd just add a creation argument (for example $5) to the abstarction, and then use a [spigot] object to filer out any messages that aren't specific to that abstraction.
but then again, i may have completely misunderstood your question??? -
that's pretty much what i did. one of the creation arguments is a unique symbol for the name of the receive that is used to receive commands to that abstraction. seems to work pretty well; you just have to be organized and make sure the argument is unique, unless of course you wanted an exact clone of the object.
i don't use a [spigot] in my solution. i use a [route] to filter the messages.
thanks for the post. -
hello guys, I follow your discussion.
I'm working about the same idea. Control each paramters separately with just messages. For me, it's like a "meta-controler'", a controler which control a controler. After, the best is to write sequencing mesages with "qlist" object. I try to make abstractions for memorize differents messages. It's powerful.
I will post you my patch and abstractions lately; I can't do pure data this time but don't quit the discussion. I will be back in one week or two with a PATCH ! -
glair, i see what you mean...
and that's a good thing about pd is there's often a lot of ways to achieve the same result....and i think that's some of the beauty, is finding the best / cleanest / most direct and flexible way of doing things.
but, PLEASE post this patch! i am looking to get more into timeline based sequencing / triggering sequences with key inputs and stuff, but so far have had limited success working out how to get qlist running the way i want. ...it will be real interesting and helpful if you can post your patch to give some ideas.
thankls -
Hi Pd mad people
I've break my head to share to you my patch in good timing and comprehensiv style.
So you go to this adress to download my projet of meta sampler :
meta sampler
Report bugs, and of course optimization, I think We could do simpler than this. I d'ont imagine you trying to understand this dedaly patch.
I 'm not against evolution of yours. Some times, it's very too difficult to do it alone. I'm tired now, I hope, you will take good feeling.
It's not like my dream, but one day... I think I go step by step without precipitation, but I would like really have a concretisation of this fucking idea..
Yo,I hope working outdoor with this kind of patch. to parasite streets and places in the city of human.
reports ?
giair -
hey ! some serious people here ..?????
yeah, i got it. ....just getting all the externals up and running...i have most of them here i think, just got to install them....it's a bit of a complicated patch...so give me a week or so to check into it all, and see how it all works....and then i'll let you know how i'm going. ...it's well good though, cos there's lots of stuff in here i really want to try out.
maybe if it works, we could meet up sometime and "parasite streets and places in the city of human." ...!!!
ooops. sorry i got your name wrong before. i thought it was glair. but now i can see it's giair. hope you don't mind.
salut! -
yes it's a bit complicated. I know it.
If you have questions : email me : abel.jerome@free.fr
It would be great to simplify it, but in pure data, it is very difficult to combine clear and easy patch with good patch. -
yo news for the meta controlling using OSC and th pool object.
I tried before without good results. but I find a easy documentation. I seems to be a good way . May be you know it :
It's a collection of abstractions, if anyone use it. SHARE A PATCH or help.
do you ?