i have uploaded the first version of one external i'm developing. ola2pd reads one DMX512 universe from OLA and outputs them in Pure Data/MaX like a list of 512 values. The universe can be configured before opennig the connection sending one message <universe n> where n is the number of the universe in OLA. After, you can send one message <open> to stablish the connection. You can send one message <close> to exit, and reconfigure the universe if you need it. The bang method shows the number of the universe it's currently selected.
It's based on flext headers from Thomas Grill, so it should compile in Windows, Linux and Mac, and for Pure Data and Max/MSP. You must have the flext and the Open Lighting Arquitecture headers installed in order to compile it. I've only tested in Debian Wheezy with Pure Data, it's the only binary in the download.
See readme.txt for install and use (sorry, only in spanish at the moment, but it's very simple...) and ola2pd_help.pd
Flext headers:
Open Lighting Arquitecture:
Know issues:
The Release mode of the binary crash Pure Data at object creation. If the binary is compiled in debug mode works fine. This option can be changed in the file package.txt with the option
BUILDMODE=debug (or release)
All the credit to Simon Newton for OLA and ola_dmxmonitor, this is a modification of that code.