If you want to find beat frequencies, you need to convert the signal into a stream of instantaneous amplitudes and find the fundamental frequency in that stream.
Amplitudes can not be negative, so I was sceptical about the possibilities of interpreting such a stream as a signal and find it's pitch. Years ago I've spent a lot of time on this same question in vain. But to my surprise, [helmholtz~] translates a DC-filtered rectified sinusoid into a smooth sinusoid with measurable pitch. Couldn't believe my eyes, frankly.
So, up to a certain extent, it seems indeed possible to find beat frequencies. The notes must be played with similar amplitude (+/- 6 dB or so). Of course, beat frequencies can be low and therefore their detection needs a large analysis frame with long latency. See attached demo patch.
Edit: slightly revised patch uploaded. The [helmholtz~] binary is needed to use the patch, get it here: