it's confused me,it now has 2 parts 'in' and 'out' how do i connect it to a synth?
cos the 's $0-transpose' and the 'outlets' don't have any connecting pins.
Controlling a synth with a keyboard
i was just googeling for pd help,when i came across obiwannabe's site.the six simple synths look like a good start to me.thanks for them.
i use synthedit (and i'm only new at that!)and pd is a bit different. -
hi, i'm at an internet cafe cos my computer went to nirvana at a gig last week...but the output of pianokeys is a list,,,,,so you can get the seperate parts by doing an [unpack] on the outlet data
just plug in a [print] object to find what data is coming out.
(internet cafe keyboards are hard to use...)
hi hardoff,sorry to hear about your puter.
i'm not sure i get it still,though i found obiwanabe's synth tutorials,which have been very good for me(only half way through the first one).
so maybe things will become clearer as i reach the end.
pd seems deeper than synthedit,are you familiar? -
like this:
[print]and then press some keys, and then look in the pd console window to see what is output.
it should be something like:
print: 1 56
print: 0 56
print: 1 47
print: 0 47the first digit is a note on/off and the 2nd digit is a midinumber.
(i got my old linux machine running again, so i can chat anytime now)
so, to turn a list into two streams, you can use [unpack f f], and then one stream comes out of each outlet of the unpack object.
i have never used synthedit, but from what i understand pd is more 'low level' closer to a programming language. the learnign curve is a bit steep at times, but if you stick with it you make it through. you don't have to learn really hard maths or anything. (unless you want to)
(oh, and stick with obiwan's stuff if you want to learn things... i just make shit for myself, and sometimes think it might be useful for others if i post it, but my coding is pretty messy and i'm sure there's heaps of basic stuff i don't understand yet)
thanks i'll have another look,with se there's modules(both native+3rd party) like osc,math etc,then you can things together into a container or put loads of containers together and save as a prefab(also save as vst which is nice).so it's a bit similar,not quite as low level,though you can code modules if you know how.
once i learn the jargon and some basics it should get easier.i find it easier to make things from scratch rather than make sense of someones brain.there's loads of examples of se creations,but when you open them up it's a shocking mess to me!
i'm a simple lofi guy,so it's only little noise machines i'll be messin with.
do you think pd will ever have 'save to vst'? -
i don't know.
miller said he plans to implement native state saving in pd though, which would be a big bonus.
Hey spacedad, currently there's PdVst ( which allows you to load your pd patches as a vst in the host of your liking. I tried it once and got it working in flstudio. However, there's a lot of parameter passing and converting. Besides that you also had to use GrIPD, which i don't really like, so i abandonned it. Maybe you'll like it?
Good luck,
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hi domien,
yes i have tried pdvst,sorry i should have mentioned it.
i did get it working in energyXT after a bit of a struggle,tried a couple of synth examples out,worked fine,though i couldn't save presets unless the synth had built in patch system.
pdvst was what got me to try pd really,i'm hoping to get my own creations working, once i get past the basics.
still,save as vst would be nice as it allows you to share your creations further afield.
not really sure why gripd isn't good,i've not got as far as gui's yet and the synth i tried didn't have one anyway.