dear list,
I had the arduino-test patch running with firmata on the board - vereything worked out fine.
Then something happened to my arduino board and now everytime I start Pd-extended (actual version on mac os x 10.7) it crashes on startup.
Strategies to solve which did not help:
1. opening the files with older pd version, deleting everything so they are empty and then open them up with pd-extended again; the files are empty - pd-extended still crashes
2. searching for some pd-lock file which I did not find (wanted to remove it)
3. remove the corrupt files entirely from the list so pd-extended can't find them when it tries to open them
4. open a well-known working other pd-file and open it with the "open with pd-extended" function in the contextual menu of the mouse - still pd-extended wants to open the corrupted other files - and, guess what, crashes.
5. do a clean install of pd-extended - same behaviour as above...
none of this 5 strategies hat any effect besides eating my time
3 Questions:
Why does pd-extended want to open the corrupt files?
How to stop pd-extended to open corrupt files?
How to start pd-extended with "do not open anything - just start up naked"?
Thank you for your help in advance!
Yours sincerely