• adrere

    Hi, Hans and thank you very much,
    unfortunately this version crashes as well at start up.
    Maybe it has to do with some system files, I can't find any other reason.
    Did you checked the crash report?
    Maybe there's assigned the problem.

    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more
  • adrere

    tried this one though no results :(

    I was thinking that there might be some incompatibility issue with the new xcode tolls update i made to lion, I don't know what else might be the problem

    Attached is my crash report
    Some help would be really appreciated


    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more
  • adrere

    Same problem for me as well.

    I can not launch Pd, tried different versions yet nothing.
    I'm on Lion, but there's no file org.puredata.pd in the
    ~/Library/Saved\ Application\State directory.

    Any other solutions?

    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more
  • adrere

    same issue, trying al these solutions, yet nothing.
    tried through terminal to remove /org.puredata.pd.wish.savedState------
    ------- No such file or directory

    I also updated the xcode tools just in case some files there might cause this.

    Stil nothing :(

    posted in technical issues 12 years agoread more

Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!